Friday, January 29, 2016

Core Beliefs

1.  America is the land of opportunity for every citizen or it is the land of opportunity for no one.  If we are to keep the capitalistic system, it must give all Americans a possible pathway to economic mobility.  Socialism would be a fairer governing system for the little people if the powerful continue to forget to be American.
2.  Every woman who kills her own baby in the womb, regardless of the circumstances, spits in the eye of God and chooses death over life.  Equally responsible is every man who spreads his human inheritance fraudulently.

3.  There is no religion that adequately represents the God of the galaxies, none of the big three, Christianity, Islam or Judaism, can claim divine exclusiveness.  Any religion that chooses human death to promote itself advertises their religion as divinely bankrupt and a fraud.  God is about giving life opportunities. 

Landers, CA