Tuesday, October 11, 2016

In the Moment

In moments such as this American moment in 2016, we would have talked.  That personal loss is now the missing link in my life, to know, to experience and honestly share with one other person, one other human being, each new sunrise, each new happening, good or bad.  When one has such a blessing, the rest of the world can go hang for the best possible gifting is not to face the whatever alone. The human tragedy that besets all of us is that we rarely appreciate what we have when we have it.  Not until we are without do we completely understand.  Is America going to have to learn the hard way?  Is freedom no longer to be our national character?  Maybe, just maybe, we are due to feel the overt pain of political oppression before we can rightly appreciate what it means to be free.  As a country, in this political season, we are at such a moment as this, a moment that will shape our future or the lack of it.

As Americans we have been spoiled by two hundred fifty years of government that largely reflects the will of the people.  Our freedom is summed up in the word democracy.  Webster’s Dictionary defines a democracy as “government in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives, rule by the ruled”.  We the people and our interests are supposed to be what matters to our politicians.  Our freedom loving democracy is historically unique to this world as envisioned and enshrined by our forefathers in the Constitution.  Our new American establishment politicians of both parties say by their actions that this ancient document has become obsolete in our modern world.  No longer is their primary concern the people that they are supposed to serve, instead the people are to serve the rulers.  Their new plan is, in effect, a third world like political coup of America.  Some of us are sickened by that possibility and sickened as well that so many Americans seem not to understand the threat.  To remain America, we cannot ignore the fact when you betray the people you betray our democratic system.
The unaware or otherwise invested will object saying, wait one minute, our representative political system is not changing, we will be electing the same number of politicians to Congress and the White House.  The voting will go on!  Yes, the voting will go on but if both choices are self-serving politicians serving their donor class, the people have no real choice and the election result can only mean that the governed have no voice in their government.  Politics will continue to be as it has long been, only about words, empty promises and money, not doing the will of the people.  When there is no real choice given to the people by our elite politicians and their donor contributors, America will no longer be America.  Each voter needs to ask themselves on November 8, as Americans, who are we, who are we really?

I have been talking to cousin Jerry via email who comes to this election from a liberal mindset but is willing to use his brain.  He asked the question recently, when Mr. Trump loses the election, will you be disappointed in him?  My response, absolutely not, he is the hero of the people, willing to shoulder every abuse to finally give America a real choice.  Should the people choose to abandon our heritage, this country will have to learn the hard what freedom means.
We the people have the last opportunity to restore American integrity to our politics by electing Donald Trump.

Landers, Ca.