Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Winners

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press

Re: “Welcome lesson” (Stan Brown, Letters May 20)

Thank you for your letter Mr. Brown. You manned up and admitted that your historical vision pertaining to the Move Cross was a bit askew. This “WWI” memorial to our fallen veterans stood in practical anonymity since being raised in 1934. For 65 years the cross was an affront to no one. I can personally speak to the fact that this is a long time, a life time. We slow learners say that the Mojave Cross is not about winning, it is about justice or fairness.

The ACLU started the confrontation with a legal challenge in 1999. Admirably these folk have a right to their own vision of justice or fairness as do each of us. Thankfully we live in a country that encourages all it’s citizens to defend their own vision in a nonviolent manner. Anonymously, cowardly, violently and probably under the cover of darkness, the thieves stole the symbol of the cross to make a political or religious statement. The thieves need to be taught that if it isn’t legal, it isn’t fair. Crime even in a seemingly “just” cause is still crime and an injustice to some other of our brothers. This is the Americanism that surely you support.

Please allow the possibility that your historical interpretation of Christianity may also be somewhat askew. The 2000 year old Church of Jesus Christ has never been so homogenous that a blanket summary as you suggest could possibly be accurate. We Christians are not looking for a fight, just justice. Some of us are convinced that there is a loving God who will bring order out of chaos and fairness out of unfairness. The timing isn’t ours and death will only actualize the justice our hearts seek. That being said, none of us are perfect, as Christian folk of every stripe, we need to hear and evaluate every critique for our goal is not to win but to more fairly represent Him who brought justice by losing. Winning is a human sport.

Victorville, CA