Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Border Race Baiters

May 3, 2010

These folks will say anything to get their way. The May Day rallies waved signs with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer in a Nazi uniform. This reader is offended by the dishonesty of the no border folks. The childhood response to name calling was and is, “it takes one to know one”! Allow me to modify this response slightly by saying, “it takes one to accuse others”! Yes, the border race baiters are flaming racists.

The byline of the sign reads, “History repeats itself”. Please allow me to return to my high school history curriculum to attempt to place that truth in it’s honest context. Take for example the Roman Empire of the Christian era some 2000 years ago. Historians ask and teachers ask today, why did the 500 year Roman Empire disintegrate?

Many factors are cited by historians as possible causes, they include: excessive taxation (Vegatus), prosperity (Gibbon), combination of historical events (Bury), technology of the horseshoe (Richt), a corrupt governmental system that included no real budget and overspending (Toynbee), a growing percentage of the population became takers of the governmental dole (Toynbee), the politics of the day made ever increasing promises, raising expectations and dumping of these expectation on an ever depleting tax base (Toynbee), creeping socialism was at fault (Bartlett), a dependence on slave labor to prop up a failing economy by chasing the family farmer to the city (Diamond), Muslim spoilers (Pirenne), endless political infighting and civil wars that depleted the national identity (Goldsmith), fracturing societal good by organized labor, unions and guilds(Bartlett). Doesn’t all this sound familiar to our country in 2010? History is repeating itself.

America is not so blessed that our future is secure. Let us reject the anti God secular propaganda, our country is gifted by God to be a beacon of freedom approximating His reign over mankind. Most of our founding fathers wisely considered themselves designers and builders of a governmental system that would give we self centered Americans a chance to function together honestly and wisely, free to explore life possibilities.

National justice was to be ensured by three branches of the federal government cancelling each other out in favor of the people. Since the federal government in the 60’s intervened into state civil right affairs, Washington has increasingly grabbed more and more power to change the will of the founding fathers. The will of the people is being snuffed out. The action taken by the federal government through the courts was absolutely necessary but the unintended consequence was and is a creeping and ballooning federalism that dictates to the people.

We Americans have experienced political and economic success unknown to mankind. Yet we are turning the corner into a predominately selfish mentality. History teaches us that this mentality has been the end of every man made political entity, why should America be any different? We are becoming spoiled children, a sense of entitlement controls an increasing number of us. Our future is quickly disintegrating and we shall join the garbage dump of the Roman Empire. Our only hope is for the people, the citizenry, lover’s of freedom, to get engaged and at least slow the process down.

Victorville, Ca 92395