Sunday, January 10, 2016

Who are the new American dictators?

We the simple people, when we want to understand a word we reach for the dictionary.  Capitalism is the word for our day.  The most important issue before the voter in 2016 is to what extent our economy will continue to be defined by this word.  The current world chaos is the deserved hot button issue, however, our economic plans, which are theoretically totally within our control, will have the longest consequence upon the children of the American voter.
Webster’s Dictionary says that capitalism is “the economic system in which all or most of the means of production and distribution, as land, factories, railroads, etc., are privately owned and operated for profit, originally under fully competitive conditions: it has been generally characterized by a tendency toward concentration of wealth, and in its later phase, by the growth of the great corporations, increasing governmental controls, etc.”  America has arrived at the later phase of capitalism with the rise of large corporations and repressive governmental controls.

Capitalism in its purist form mandates a citizen owned economy as opposed to a government owned economy which is called by some Socialism.  Until our time, America has not swung far from the capitalistic ideals that brought us the greatest economy in the world.  Over the last century our politicians have dabbled in government owned business and price supports which amount to almost the same thing; i.e. the Post Office, the railroads, Veterans Healthcare and farmland, grain and milk price supports.  Our changing economy can be documented in any high school American history book because we choose our economy by whom we choose to lead us on election day.  This is where we are in 2016, the choice, probably the last choice, is upon us.

As our country grew due to capitalistic competition, the wealthy few considered labor as just another cost of production.  The demand for cheap labor is built into our capitalistic system and it was not until the rise of the union movement that American labor gained the respect that built the middle class.  The last fifty years our country has increasingly embraced the large corporations with a corresponding withering away of these labor unions.  Anti-Trust action by the government to break up large entities are no more.  Gone is any concern for the interests of the working poor and the middle class.  Our wages have stagnated over the last forty years while the cost of living and the multi-layered tax system continues to expand.  Today, these moneyed interests own our politicians.

What do the large corporations, Wall Street and the big banks with their too “big to fail” status require of their politicians?  That’s right, they require cheap labor and cheap money.  Cheap labor means a no tariffs on imports, a free trade policy.  It means that borders are pointless.  It means that our children will either be bottle washers or college graduates without a future or worse yet, on public assistance.  It means that our politicians are hired to quiet the anger of the folk and ignore their true interests.  It means that needed conservative economic principals will not address the inequity.  It means that smaller government will not bring to us more good paying jobs.  It means that tax cuts for capital gains will only feed the dictatorship.

Wake up America, if you don’t like the system, say so and vote.  Are we going to demand a fair trade policy and closed borders?  Are we going to be given that choice?  You judge, above all else, above social, political or religious niceties, who in 2016 has any chance of bucking the system?
G. Goslaw, 
Landers, CA