Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Children

July 31, 2014

1990 Gibralter Rd.
Landers, Ca. 92285

Dear Congressman Paul Cook

As the Congressman representing the people of Landers, California, you are my go to guy in the federal government.  Please answer this question, does the federal government have plans to place illegal South American children in your district?  I suspect the government will spring this liability upon our neighborhoods at any moment while a few turncoats will reap a short term payoff.  It is politics by bribery.

It will be the property taxpayers we will become the long term deep pockets for these children when the federal government is dumping this responsibility upon us without our consent or knowledge.   This action by the federal government stinks!

How do you see it and what can you or we do about it?  Please respond in writing or e-mail.

G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca

Friday, July 25, 2014

Political Animal

Barrack Hussein Obama is only a political animal.  We Americans thought we knew who he was or at least hoped we knew who he was but after six years he has progressively removed the layers of deception from his persona exposing the heart of Barrack.  We have tried to understand him based upon the markers left by past presidents but these efforts have proven futile for he is a president like no other, he does not act for the American people, he is not a defender of Christians, he gives the Muslim world free reign, he ignores the interests of the black man and he considers every white man a racist.  He is only a political animal.  The extreme far left political agenda to which Barrack is enslaved rules the White House and they are very good at the game of politics.  The actions the president does take are those that advance his redesign of America by giving taxpayer dollars and influence to our entrenched national takers, the welfare community, the abortion community and the open borders community.

These actions, whether by phone or the pen of executive action, are the limit of his leadership.  In his heart, the entanglements of foreign policy are a bother so that American interests are easily given away by treaty. The many chaotic threats in the world are dismissed by surrendering to the forces that cause the trouble.
President Obama will not confront evil whether it is nuclear armament in Iran, proposed missile defense in Poland, shooting down of a passenger airliner by a Russian missile, chemical weapons used on civilians in Syria, terrorist expansion into Iraq, the genocide against Christians by radical Muslims or a barrage of missiles raining down on Israel from Gaza, etc., etc.  Confronting evil requires energy from the Commander in Chief and he apparently has no energy or prudent actions.  The chaos in the world is not on his radar because the redesign of America is more important to President Obama than extending American moral authority.  One might wonder if he believes America is morally capable or that that purview is in his job description.  

If you or I can help further his political redesign agenda, he will share a beer with you but if you stand in his way, he will marshal all the power of his government to destroy everybody and everything.  There are no rules, no crimes to be avoided, no constitution and no truth, only his political agenda.  Our president only has time and energy for fundraising for the next election proving his single minded priority.  The man is a dangerous political animal, as dangerous as any homicidal or suicidal terrorist because the lives of the American people are left exposed to the evil elements in the world.  Congresswomen Lee, we are ashamed of our black political animal in the White House who acts on animal political instinct not the moral interest of all the people of America. .


Thursday, July 24, 2014


Water is a precious resource that is much talked about these days in California.  With this resource being stretched statewide and with many of our communities facing mandated changes, the customers of Bighorn Desert View Water Agency remain relaxed.  We have only to turn on the tap and clean clear water is pumped from the reservoir beneath our feet and efficiently distributed to our homes.  The Board of Directors and our General Manager, Mrs. West, have fought very hard to maintain superior levels of service to every bdvwa customer.  The system is in good shape with improvements carefully mapped out for the future. The budgeting and cost controls employed at the local level have enabled our water agency to service their customers without a rate increase since 2008.  The residents of  Flamingo Heights, Johnson Valley and Landers are blessed to be able to take their water for granted.

In the last year the normal routine of bdvwa was interrupted by requests from the customers of the county run W1 system to join with our agency.  These folk are our neighbors, they pump their water from the same source as we do but county long distance management has resulted in higher rates with rate projections to go even higher in the near future.  One might ask, why?  Asking for some financial accountability from county officials is met with only blank stares and the unspoken accusation that Bighorn Desert View Water Agency is not operating in the best long range interest of the customer.  This groundless slander is typical big government excuse making for their own mismanagement and reckless spending.

Please forgive the pun but the grass is really greener at Bighorn Desert View Water Agency.

From the sand box

Thursday, July 17, 2014


So what is it going to take?  How about the shooting down of a civilian airliner from 35,000 feet killing 295 men, women and children?  Our president calls this deliberate act of war a tragedy. Really, an unavoidable tragedy?  Does that mean if your intention is to kill a plane load of Ukrainians and the Russian missile goes astray and collides with a civilian airliner, that is O. K.?  Does that mean that since the Russian inspired rebels lacked sufficient training to fire off this complex missile system, they and the Russians are not responsible?  Is it all a tragic accident?  Really?

Our President calculates that maybe there were only 3 Americans on the Malaysian flight falling at 120 mph for at least three long minutes to the Ukrainian tundra.  Wait, maybe there were only four dead Americans as was the case in Benghazi?  Are we playing Russian roulette with American lives?  What is the magic number Mr. President?  How many have to die at the direction of Comrade Putin and his hired terrorists?  Can Hussein Obama be moved to action by any number of dead Americans, how many will get your attention Mr. President?  By some estimates the number is more like 20 dead Americans on that  Malaysian airliner, how do these lives compute Mr. fundraiser in chief?

When is our President going to say no more dead Americans?   When is he going to stand up like President Kennedy did against the Russians in the Cuban Missile crisis?  When is he going to stand up against the Russians like President Reagan did at the Berlin Wall?  Every time our president hides from or conspires with the Putin bully, a bigger bombshell is just around the corner.  We the people are tired of war but we are more tired of being pushed around by the terrorist bullies of this world.  No matter what happens, a man,a women or a boy must stand up against a bully, win, lose or draw.
Your move Mr. President!

From the sand box  

Sunday, July 13, 2014


The editorial staff of the Hi Desert star claims that editorial cartoons do not represent the views of your newspaper.  As a short term resident of Landers and new subscriber to your newspaper, I would like to believe you.  Your argument is not unlike every other newspaper that cowardly hides liberal racist and anti-Semitic bullying behind such disclaimers.  The cartoon in question is in the Saturday, July 12, 2014 issue of the Hi-Desert Star, a cartoon by Mike Luckovich.

What is with the cliff?  Are the Jewish people not entitled or deserving of self defense?  Are they obligated to accept the rein of rocket terror from Gaza as a condition of U.S. aid?  The Jewish government will defend it’s people regardless of the cost or any supposed cliff, that kind of government ought to be respected by all fair minded newspapers.  The principle would be respected by we the people if our government was so moved.

The question can only be answered over time, do you also print cartoons that speak the truth?   As a newspaper, do you present the whole story?  I shall be watching.

From the Sandbox

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Roundup

The Hussein Democrats are setting themselves up for citizen payback.  So you think open borders are to your political advantage, think again.  What happens when you no longer have the power?  Could it be that is why you are scared and fear losing power?  You are desperate and have told lie after lie, trampled on every American law or tradition in order to stay on top.  There is nothing about america that is sacred, nothing about our history that is to be respected.  Will the citizens of America stay dumb?  You do hope that to be the case.

Some of we citizens of America have had enough, it is time for a citizen taxpayer revolt.  No more property taxes to support illegals, whether a man, a women or a child.  If you are in this country illegally, man women or child, you will be rounded up, all 15 to 20 million criminals and get an all expenses paid trip home.  The border will be secured with alligators in the Rio Grand.  Every country that sends it's people north will be cut off from all American good will and money.  One day soon, this will happen, no matter the cost. We will defend our country from our treasonous president, his political enablers of both parties and the Hispanic invasion.  What ever it takes, this is about survival!

Landers, Ca

Sunday, July 6, 2014

FLT 370....again

The 777 turned off the transponder, turned left and began a climbing zigzag pattern with no running lights, completely in the dark.  The pilot was looking for another aircraft before heading west, probably another  regularly scheduled aircraft who knew nothing about the 777.  Upon sighting the lights of the westbound plane, the pilot of the 777 entered a dive to approach from the rear and ride on the coattails of this plane all the way to Pakistan or Iran.  The Indian radar would never have been able to detect the 777.  Truly a risky and fun move by the pilot of the 777 but it may account for most of the reports to date.

At this hour the Australian Prime Minister has alerted us to possible aircraft debris off their west coast.  Really, we have previously investigated an erroneous satellite sighting by the Chinese just a week ago?  Just when the knowledgeable opinions were gathering for a Pakistani or Iranian hijacking, we are distracted in the opposite direction.  Our timid politics would really like this debris to be the 777, they would breath easier if all these people were dead.  If the debris is FLT 370 and suicide by pilot can be proven, there would be no need for a rescue and a confrontation with dangerous paranoid nations.  It sounds like peace but at what price?

One would hope that there is a method to their madness with this distraction.

Landers, Ca.

This blog was written on March 20, 2014, a few days after the disappearance of FLT 370.  In the intervening months, the authorities has spread the search over most of the Indian Ocean following one hot lead after another.  The reoccurring leads were then and are now distractions from the probable truth as we
outlined on March 20.  No wreckage has ever been recovered, no reported sounds from the depths have proven to be the aircraft beacons.  After each hot lead and it’s resulting failure, there is another hot lead, be it Australian, American or Chinese.  Could the airliner have been gently ditched in the Indian Ocean, somewhere in the thousands of square miles of ocean?

It is still possible.  The pilot was capable enough to pull this off but was his plan to commit murder and suicide, trapped in a state of emotional distress?  After the tragedy of such persons, we discover that they gave out signals in their lives that should have alerted others to their intentions.  No such signals are apparent in the case of the pilot of FLT 370.  Indonesia and the American FBI have produced nor even intimated that the pilot lived out any signs of emotional distress.  The FBI was into his computer and there is nothing?  With each passing month the more dangerous scenario described above on March 20, becomes a more likely happening.   A happening that our government has chosen to hide by distracting us to believe the more safe scenario.

Right now you are putting these words into the conspiracy nut cubby hole.  That is what the government would like you to think.  It is much easier to discredit these words than to identify and shoot down a 777 airliner with a nuclear bomb on board before it gets to New York City.  In a curios statement on March 26, President Obama said that he was more concerned about a nuclear bomb hitting NYC than the Russian incursion into the Ukraine.  The timing of this statement is most disturbing.  The kicker for this blog is that Foxes O’Reilly took a whole program to point to the Indian Ocean scenario, practically guaranteeing that there the airliner will be found.  The guarantee was and is meaningless until some iota of evidence appears and O‘Reilly is on the hook.

Landers, Ca  

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Please allow me to be crude.  The liberal left wing, primarily single, women’s right groups who promote free access and government paid female abortion and birth control of every sort, are guilty of penis envy.  They are highly jealous, wishing and advocating for a maintenance free reproductive system.  Hey, if you would rather be a man, get a sex change, do what you want with your own body but don’t expect the rest of us to cow tail or pay for your perversion.  This new world of ObamaCare makes the rest of us, men and women, liable for your obsession.

The Democratic, so called, War on Women is really a war by the left on the American male.  There was a time when we men were valued by the ladies, a time when women were proud to be the fairer sex.  Today they would have you believe the effeminate, bungling male stereotype advanced by the media.  Today, they would have you believe that traditional sexual roles are now somehow dirty and old fashioned. The truth is that women are different, different in many wonderful ways.  Some of us still believe that not everything old fashioned is to be disrespected.  Pray that there are a majority of women who are proud to be female.

Landers, Ca

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mr. Mayor

You don’t get it, the kids being dumped upon Temecua are illegal, I say illegal!  Why is it our responsibility to take care of them?  This is a "phony" crisis orchestrated by Hussein Obama and the State Department.  It is right out of the play book of Saul Alinsky, create enough chaos, watch the status quo overreact and then blame the status quo for the chaos.  Your new America will then be open to you.

Let’s call it what it is, government sponsored terrorism to change America by force.  These criminals in government have the power right now to create the chaos but red blooded Americans are still free to say not in my house!   Where are all the politicians hiding, Governor Brown where are you?

Temecula we are proud, very of your stand!!

Landers, Ca