Monday, October 15, 2012

Liar, Liar

“Liar, liar, pants on fire”, can you remember that schoolyard taunt, what did it mean?  A vivid illustration is the election politics of the last few days.  As the president desperately forages for ammunition going into tomorrow nights debate, he is sure to come out swinging with an attempt to paint Mitt Romney as the biggest liar of all time.  Go ahead with this liar barrage Mr. President, your pants are on fire!

In the schoolyard, the accusing party is the one who has the least integrity when it comes to telling the truth.  So it is with Barack Obama, he will accuse in an attempt to hide all his lies, from his promises in the 2008 campaign, to his governing methodology, to sending Ambassador Rice out on the Sunday talk shows to lie to the American people about the Libya killings.  The last four years have been one big lie. “Liar, liar, pants on fire”

Landers, Ca