Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chicken President

The most unpleasant moniker to hang on any person is chicken.  It is not a word used to describe one who holds your respect and may even be more inflammatory than cussing, swearing or ethnic epithets.  The On Line Slang dictionary says that it means to be afraid or scared.  These emotions are universally human but the slang word is particularly used of those who make life decisions from their fear center.  Such a person is a chicken.

President Wilson was a chicken when he refused to stand up to the aggression of Germany at the beginning of the last century.  The American people were chicken when they stood by allowing six million Jews to be murdered by the second Germany, claiming willful ignorance.  There are even more instances when  American presidents took ill-advised action with macho chest bumping thereby hoping to cover their chicken center.  Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, started a useless and loosing war in Vietnam that degraded American authority and respect in the world.  The second Bush, a Republican, lead our people into a useless ground war in Iraq and Afghanistan with a naivete about nation building that was and is insane.  In the long run these experiments proved and are proving to further degrade our national interest.  These debilitating decisions with great loss of life emanated from our national chicken center.  Terror is a real threat and must be confronted but confronted wisely.  We have pulled all the wrong punches, almost assisting the long term plans of radical Islam.

Here we go again, this time it is President Obama and his Middle East foreign policy.  Let us consider September 11, 2012.  President Obama, like some of his predecessors, has made and is making national decisions in regards to our Middle east foreign policy from his chicken center.  As a result, we Americans or Hillary, or Patrick Kennedy, or the CIA, or the intelligence community or a video are to blame for the violence and murders in Benghazi and we the people are being made the fools in the national area.  Despite all the lies about Benghazi, our State Department watched the eight hour attack on our embassy and the murder of four Americans on a live video feed.  For the president to claim he was not privy to the Benghazi happening is a lie without precedent in American history.  Our chicken president did nothing to stop it and has done nothing to explain it to the American people, nothing except to assign blame to others.

According to President Obama, whatever the cost, we must not offend Islam, the lives of our people were therefore expendable.  Who are you Mr. President?

Landers, CA