Saturday, August 10, 2024

Origen (185- 253)

“God (Father in Greek) therefore must not be thought to be any kind of body, nor to exist in a body, but to be a simple intellectual existence, admitting in himself of no addition whatever, so that he cannot be believed to have in himself a more or a less, but is Unity, or if I might say, Oneness throughout, and the mind and fount from which originates all intellectual existence or mind.”  Page 10.

"The Son, who is the image of the invisible Father, is not the truth compared to the Father; but in relation to us, who are not able to receive the truth of God Almighty, he is a shadow and semblance of the truth." page 20, note 1.

“Origen On First Principles”, Koetschau's Text and Translation into English, Torchbook edition, 1966.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.