Sunday, August 4, 2024


Our delicate sensibilities would like to believe that the assassination attempt on former President Trump was merely a case of woke Secret Service incompetence and faulty decision making.  The Butler Pennsylvania scenario, however, follows a very familiar pattern lived out in the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, his brother, a candidate running for president, Robert Kennedy and the attempt to kill President Ronald Regan.   

In each tragedy, an obscure gunman does the deed through an obvious and unexplained hole in Secret Service protection.  That security hole, in each case, has never been fully explained and our politicians were quick to accept a leadership shuffling as an explanation. Our government is again, in 2024, hiding the truth and expecting we useful idiots to accept another leadership change deflection.

Take off the blinders, America, some power in our government has killed and will kill political threats to its invisible control. That is the simple truth. The identity of these folk cannot be quickly labelled Democrat or Republican, something bigger is going on.  Our politicians of whatever flavor, have been and are running scared and justifiably so.  This conspiracy theory is real life.

I wonder if the shooter was told that he would be allowed to get a few shots off but then he would be silenced?  Probably not.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca