Sunday, July 21, 2024


Regardless of how the inquisition of Secrete Service Director Cheatle on Monday unfolds she and the Biden administration will continue to stonewall.  Regardless of the questions asked, she will still have her job and we will be further burdened with her incompetence. The really bad news is that there may have been more to the assassination attempt than just extreme incompetence.

Was the assassination attempt a Democratic plot to kill President Trump?  Ms. Director, please answer, yes or no?  Why not? Put her answer on the record but she and every agency of the federal government will never be transparent.  After all, we are only Republicans.  The truth is that we will never know until the Democrats are defeated in November. The plot will then thicken and be exposed, if there was such an evil deed.

In the meantime, President Trump needs an unofficial security force. Old line Secrete Service agents or civilian companies must be hired to protect the former president from all threats, inside and outside the government.  Could there be some volunteers?  Some of us fear that the Butler screwup, on so many levels, will not be the last.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA