Saturday, July 13, 2024


Back in the day our understanding of the Old Testament Scriptures was quite elementary. The Documentary Hypothesis, form criticism (internal) and literary criticism (external), were discussed but deemed radical by most mainstream and almost all conservative theologians. Since I have been out of the loop for forty years and looking for new challenges, I bought a book, yes, again.

The book: “Berossus and Genesis, Manetho and Exodus”, Russell E. Gmirkin, T & T Clark International. NY (2006).

 Quoting from page one: “This book proposes a new theory regarding the date and circumstances of the composition of the Pentateuch. The central thesis of this book is that the Hebrew Pentateuch was composed in its entirety about 273 to 272 BCE by Jewish scholars at Alexandria that later traditions credited with the Septuagint translation of the Pentateuch into Greek.”

“The late date of the Pentateuch, as demonstrated by literary dependance on Berossus and Manetho, has two important consequences: the definitive overthrow of the chronological framework of the Documentary Hypothesis, and a third century BCE or later date for other portions of the Hebrew Bible that show literary dependence on the Pentateuch.”

Zowee! If Moses wrote the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, Moses just got another 500 years older. Reviewing, my study Bible says these books were written by Moses around 1400 BCE, within his lifetime.  The Documentary hypothesis says they were written around 700 BCE, by whomever, the Gmirken hypothesis dates the writing in either 273 and 272 BCE by Hebrew scholars and religionists commissioned by a political authority to produce a Hebrew history.

If a gathering of 80 or so Hebrew scholars and religious types put together what we now know as the Hebrew Bible, there must be a variety of God understandings shared in the Hebrew Bible. This much is a fact.  Some of these understandings were pulled from religious oral Hebrew history traditions and some from the surrounding cultures of 273 BCE so as to tell a good story. This, then, is a theory that seems to fit.

Why does such a theory meet resistance within the conservative factions of Christianity?  Just guessing but could it be that such a Biblical history puts the understanding of a Cosmic Disciplinarian God of St. Augustine and Martin Luther into question? What is this tree of good and evil?  Moses speak or Greek mythology?  Everything is but a theory, anyway.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA.        
