Monday, July 1, 2024

Prophet or Pundit

Being right is its own reward. However, since there is no one to pat me on the back, I shall have to do the honors.  Following the defeat of President Trump in 2020, I posted a warning, fasten your seat belts, the crazies are now running our lives.  No one was listening.

However, the last four years have proved me right.  Biden was only the face of the new administration, traditional democrat politics was dead, the real winner was the radical left crazy progressive politicians who are still taking their marching orders from Barack Obama, our former president who cowardly makes decisions for us hiding behind the blank face of grand paw Joe.

Am I a political prophet, no way, I was only stating the obvious, most of the country had tunnel vision or they were parties to the deception. The media was and is the devil in sheep’s clothing by only reporting what they were told to report.  Journalism is no longer a profession.

Maybe, sleepy time is over. For the sake of our Constitutional Republic, for the sake of our children’s future, may all we citizens join together as Americans. If it happens, that will be a wonder to watch!  

Maybe then I can stop cussing at the TV. 

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca