Thursday, November 10, 2022


 There are two kinds of people.  Forget the routine stereotypes that the politicians use to divide us; male and female, black and white, poor and rich, educated and not, gay and straight, winners and losers.  These stereotypes do not tell the story of our lives.  Our days can best be described with two other descriptions, we all are born with a predisposition to be doers or a predisposition to be dreamers.  When push comes to shove, we all do what we have to do to survive but that may not be our natural bent. 

We dreamers envy those of us who are natural doers.  Life for them seems so simple with immediate feedback.  Dreamers most often live and die with no provable results.  Two brothers, the same parents and one of us is a natural doer and the other a natural dreamer.  Go figure.  The predisposition has to be hereditary but that natural system seems so unfair, the two brothers had no voice in the matter.  The parents of the two brothers had no voice in the selection process. 

Is the human family just a goulash of predispositions, heated by the uncertainties of life to produce progress for the greater good?  Define progress. What about the individual?  Can the process be God?


Landers, Ca