Saturday, November 26, 2022

Deep Dive

Macro salvation* is ultimate safety.  Because you all are born a human being, regardless of the circumstances, you all will eventually graduate to eternal safety.  In or out of cultural or social norms, there is a God that has befriended you forever.  Do you know?  (Isaiah)

Micro salvation* is short term safety.  The individual can receive in this life a salvation awareness boost depending on what we all hear and come to believe.  Have you heard? (Isaiah)

Both salvation threads are trumpeted in scripture but religion seems to choose one, macro or micro, over the other, sometimes to the exclusion of the other.  The Church of the 1500 years post Jesus, saw itself as the lone dispenser of macro and micro salvation, according to their rules.  The eternal security folk believe in macro salvation but not for everyone, just the chosen few.  The free will crowd believe that God only has your back when you chose the right path in life, as they define it.  The most extreme of all three theologies relegate the unwashed, as they define the religion less, to eternal torcher and the fires of hell. 

All religion bound understandings of scripture attempt to put God in a box so that religion can dispense the salvation blessing.  Control seems to be the issue but the salvation message is bigger than religion.  The religionists, while claiming to do good, pervert the salvation message to the extreme so as to become spiritual terrorists. 

This proposed wisdom is merely a good guess that may give some clarity to all the theological and biblical chaos of the last two thousand years.

* This is my term but I probably got it elsewhere, I know not where.  


Landers, CA