Sunday, November 13, 2022

Election Results

Here we go again!  The establishment Republican leadership is being nice, good little losers when they had all the issues but not the balls to pull it off.  Heads need to roll, let’s start with McConnel and McCarthy as well as the Chair of the Republican national committee, Robin McDaniel.  Easy call, fire the Mc’s.

These are the leaders of the big government Republicans who are in politics for the money and not we the people.  They sat back and assisted the Democrats in blaming Trump, believing that the craziness of the left would return them to power.  Wrong again!

Unless the party changes there will be continued disaster.  The party must unite behind real conservative leadership, how about a Trump and DeSantis ticket for 2024.  That would be a winner in spite of all the Democratic election shenanigans.


Landers, Ca