Sunday, June 5, 2022


 The Republican mantra in June 2022 is, “the Calvary is coming in November”!  

I am sorry to be a wet blanket but the only Calvary that can save our country will be the presidential election of 2024.  The problem is that by then there will be little left of the America we love and respect.  Some things may improve around the edges in November, should the Congress change, but President Biden will still be able to veto all new legislation until January of 2025 and he will continue to enforce only those laws that further the leftist agenda.    

Until then, the radical left government will be free to continue Obama's fundamental change, his words, that he envisioned for his adopted country.  Remember, as has been said, the goal of the Obama left is to make America just another poor and dependent country to resemble the socialist leanings of his Father.  Hence, the flood of illegal peoples from the south by the millions which will continue unchanged. Intentionally motivated inflation is the other tool being used to make the people poor enough to be no threat to government top-down control.  This tool has proven effective around the world.

The price levied on the American people for this fundamental change is catastrophic and immoral.  The question is, what else does the radical left have in it's grab bag should their control be slipping away?  Could it be another China pandemic, funded in part by our own government, at election time?

Did the school shooter have a father issue?  Yes, however, the shooter doing the most damage to the future of American children is Obama-Biden.


Landers, CA