Saturday, June 11, 2022


 The playbook of the radical left lead by Biden/Obama is to deflect dissenting opinions by accusing the dissenters of doing the very unamerican activities that they are guilty of dumping on the American people.  It is good old fashioned trash talk repeated over and over by all media news outlets.  The loan exceptions are Fox News and Newsmax.  If all the information you get is from the major networks and you are comfortable with their spin on America, you are living, not in America but some Never, Neverland.

Even Fox news allows dissenting opinions on their shows and gives the viewer the opinion of choosing the voices they believe to be credible and make sense.  The question needs to be asked, why do the major media markets trot out the leftist talking lies as truth?  What do they have to gain from attempting to deceive the American people?  One might assume that their motive is ratings but they have earned the lowest ratings of my lifetime. So why, CBS, NBC, ABC and MSNBC are you stuck in the political mud?  Be honest for a change, major media, what do you have to gain? 

Beats, me!


Landers, CA