Tuesday, June 14, 2022


 Update:  Batman Jr. is seemingly a permanent resident of 1990 Gibralter Rd. in Landers, California.  Every morning for weeks now he has been perched in the old California pepper tree.  As I look for him each day, he routinely changes branches in an attempt to avoid my preying eyes. Yesterday evening as darkness dropped upon us, he was atop the power pole in the front of the house.  In effect, we are a community of sorts to include three dogs, the owls and me.

A few days ago, Batman Jr. was absent from the tree. After repeated attempts to locate him that day, I finally located him still up there hidden in the many branches and sitting on what appeared to be a nest.  Could I have misjudged the identity of Batman Jr.?  I have never been wrong before so I shall reserve judgement but maybe Batman Jr. is not a Jr. at all.  Maybe, he is a she.  Maybe, I need to change his name to Batwoman or even Bat Mama?

So where is Batman?


Landers, Ca.