Monday, March 25, 2019

Day 57

The human brain and the computer are fascinating technologies.  I woke up this morning to a phrase or lyric repeating in my head, as if a long-ago memory was trying to swim to the surface.
   “We got a long way to go and a short time to get there.”

Had it not been for the computer, the memory would have remained in the fog of meaningless verbiage. A few clicks on google search and I got educated to the old days.  The phrase is from a song, a truckin’ song by Jerry Reed, “East Bound and Down”. The chorus repeats,

         “East bound and down, loaded up for truckin’
           We’re gonna do what they say can’t be done.
           We’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
           I’m east bound, just watch ole “Bandit” run.”   
It has been forty years since that kind of trucking was a part of my life, why now?  There was a time when the rules did not apply to the job.  Back in those times I used to run California moving families from here to there with out filling out a log book for months at a time.  Those were the days when trucking was fun and truckers were respected and trusted.  Then the powers that be, tightened the screws making the profession more complicated and a mere job.

The screw tightening was not about safety and more about government control and raising money.  I must confess to an aversion to rules.  Religion can be defined in the same manner.  The church in which I was raised had a long list of rules written in the church constitution from the very first days of its inception in 1906.  

If God is all about making us somehow fit for eternity, this God is boring as are the rules.  Could that be one reason why religion has cooled in our country?

Landers, Ca