Sunday, March 17, 2019

Day 50

Every religion is imperfect and different.  Some are mere snapshots of the relationship of God to man, while others may be a sitcom or a drama of one hour.  Another may be a documentary, a drama series or a late-night gab session.  Any religion that claims to have won the religion game by having all the marbles, has drunk the Jonestown cool aide.

The issue before every religion is, are we willing to look ourselves in the mirror?  And then we must question ourselves, is what we are doing working?  Is getting hostile in the face of criticism building our understanding of the God man dynamic?  Some believe there is no room or need for such self-inspection in a religion that may have been around for thousands of years.  Surely such a religion would have dealt with all the questions.  Well, answers have been given but the more likely scenario is that they have been buried and ignored.

It doesn’t take a genius to state the obvious.  In the twenty first century, the decision that matters the most is not which religion will be embraced but does modern man need any religion?  Every culture on earth is becoming increasingly secular, making decisions in our personal and group lives, devoid of any divine consideration.  The enemy of every religion is no religion at all, believers of every stripe must join arms to address our common enemy, secularism.

The question that bothers me the most is whether religion is a sugar high for the poor uneducated masses?  That one is being buried very deep in the face of secularism.

Landers, CA