Friday, November 15, 2013

The O'Reily factor

Mr. O'Reily is bending over to political correctness in his old age.  His book, “Killing Jesus”, is the latest case in point.  The book is not worth the reading or the buying because of a spinning of the facts surrounding the death of Jesus.  The authors have once again regurgitated the Roman hypothesis.  Mr. O'Reily will counter that his book is a history not religion, how convenient!

There is limited documented history about Jesus so what are their sources?  The story can not be told without the Bible as a primary source.  As so many do, one would have to pick and chose to conclude that the Romans killed Jesus.  If your going to use the Bible at all, tell the entire biblical account, Mr. O'Reily.

Yes, the Romans authorities pulled the trigger to kill Jesus but it would never have happened if the powers of religion had not insisted that the Romans do the deed.  Jesus was ignoring the religious leaders in Jerusalem and their control of the people was being diminished.  The Jewish religious authorities insisted and then threatened the Romans with civil unrest in order to have Jesus crucified.

How can you leave that part out, Mr. O'Reily?  Could it be that you are afraid of offending our Jewish brothers?  You are becoming the sultan of spin!

(this is a response to comments by Mr. O'Reily on his show, I have not and will not buy or read the book)

Landers, CA