Sunday, November 24, 2013


The Sunday morning religion shows are my church, at least those that proceed Fox News Sunday.  As believers we all need repeated shots of positivism to remind us that the God of the galaxies cares.  A positive God fearing attitude will improve anyone's fortune.  However, a very successful preacher made a statement this morning that was religious schmooze.  “The Bible says that when we exercise positive faith in the goodness of God , then he will bring us special success or as he puts it, favor.”

A favor bestowing God is not found in scripture, in fact it is so opposed to the general theme of the gospel that one wonders if the "favor" theology is even Christian.  The Bible does not say that God is vested in our success, that he is vested in the good life for our days on earth.  To assume as much is to advertise a narcissistic religion that is most concerned with it’s own favor.  All supporting scripture quoted by these folk is taken out of it's context.  The Church will be silent and nonconfrontational because it does not want to upset these folk, they fear the resulting turmoil and a loss of income.  Mostly they are afraid to teach the Bible to the choir.

How can any believer conclude from scripture that Jesus lived, died and rose from the dead to give the believer the good life?  It is a profanity.  How can any lover and student of scripture be so blind?  They start with the abhorrent theology and then pick out scripture that seems to fit.  The Christ like spiritual giants, beginning with Jesus have never advocated such a perversion.  The God of the galaxies is the one who is the most upset with these folk who call out like the barker at the carnival, appealing to the worst side of our nature.

Landers, Ca.