Friday, November 22, 2013


Do obscure words pop into your consciousness at the weirdest moments?  The word for this day, for this moment, is schmooze.  Which corner of the deep dark recesses of my brain housed that word, I do not know?  One thing is for sure, schmooze is the best description of the operating style of President Barack O’Bama.  He is not a doer, a thinker, a leader nor a manager, only a schmoozer.  We as a country are finding that to be trusting of this president will bring the hurts to every self reliant American.

The Merriam-Webster Online dictionary defines schmooze as the decision “to talk to someone in a very friendly way often in order to get some advantage for yourself”.  This word is a perfect description of our president who is finally making his true schmoozer nature so obvious that no racist accusations can deflect the pain that Americans are feeling.  The advantage in his sights is the politics of the hard left, the radical liberal progressive agenda that will install government as the God of our lives.  It is a new America and ObamaCare is the centerpiece of that agenda.  Make no mistake, they are committed, every radical liberal progressive would give their life or take yours in order to reshape America in their own image.

The hard left are a small percentage of our politics but their fervor is powerful.  Only a minority percentage of Democrats are of the hard left strip but the less committed are afraid to confront the behind the scene forces calling the shots.  The president is their spokesperson, he is taking orders from the behind the scene types, he is no more than a mouth for the cause.  Barack Obama’s real job is to tell us whatever will make the success of the cause probable and to hide the intentions of the hard left behind his presidential cult of personality.

With these folk, there is no moral ground just what is seemingly advantageous to the cause.  The cause is their morality, truth is irrelevant, a lie is just another means to obtain an advantage.  To this point President O’Bama has accomplished his mission but the camouflage is receding. The Obama-Care mess is forcing the hard left to expose themselves for who they really are, they are uncaring ideologues.  The people are but a blind herd that need direction from the government and that direction will bring a take over of the country, a never before imagined power grab that may best be described as a political coup.

Wake up America, wake up all politicians and say no, reject the schmooze and reject the schmoozer!

Landers, Ca.