Saturday, April 27, 2013


The great Latin hope for the Republican Party and the conservative political movement within that party, is proving himself to be a traitor to the conservative cause.  Senator Marco Rubio’s support and participation with the gang of eight is confirming that he is just another establishment Republican.  Even worse, Mr. Rubio, you are dipping your conservative credentials into the septic tank of political expediency by being the front man for this new legislation.  Could we ask why you are allowing yourself to be so used?  Have you joined the insane rush to court the Hispanic vote at any cost for some earthly gain?   How can you lie to the American people by claiming that this new legislation will lead our country, sometime in the future, to secure borders and a sane immigration policy?

Even if this were true, and it is not, this is not the border security first policy that your conservative brothers have been insisting upon for two decades.  Are your conservative brothers wrong?  These are the same empty promises that have turned the American melting pot ideal of legal immigration into the American mess.    Have you, Senator Rubio, joined the ruling class of politicians who will never stand up for the people, stand up for the interests of we legal citizens.  Do you want to assist the job giveaway, the food stamp giveaway, and the welfare giveaway that most politicians ignore for the sake of winning the next election.  Why does not one politician have the courage of their convictions?  Join the crowd senator.

Landers, Ca