Saturday, April 27, 2013

America First

The Republican Party lost the 2012 Presidential election because the establishment Republicans were in control.  We conservative thinking Republicans for smaller federal spending and smaller government went along with the pablum of Mitt Romney, fearing the reign of Barack Obama.  That reign is now here, the faulty strategy of the establishment Republicans has given us the deserved title of losers, both the party and the people.  We have earned this razor strap spanking by our failure to stand for conservative principles.  Will the establishment Republican party remain entrenched in just another form of progressive liberalism?  This entrenchment made the Obama victory possible because there was no contrasting political philosophies. The presidential election was, therefore, reduced to a mere popularity contest?

So here we are six months after the disastrous loss, will the establishment Republicans change?  The view from the bottom of the electorate is that the Republican party remains without a strategy and no American vision except to further cave to the Obama madness.  The slippery slope has become a stampede and it would seem that the American dream of a “shinning city on a hill” is over forever.  The people, being largely too young and dumb to know it now, are the losers.  There is only one faint hope on the horizon, a hope so faint that it has never worked in all of American history.  Out of our mess could rise a popular demand for another political party, a third political party, a people’s party that would offer an alternative to the liberal progressive insanity of our time.  Is it to late?

Yes, it is much to late unless the people stand up and demand such a conservative revival happen now!  We must stand with a warlike intensity, we must stand on the street corners, we must carry signs of protest, we must hold our politicians accountable, face to face, in any way possible.  These are desperate times and only desperate measures short of violence will bring any meaningful change.  Why should we care this much?  We care this much for the love of country and for the generations too come, future generations who may not now understand.  We care that our kid's have the chance to grow up in America, not a third world minimal democracy that will promise everything and deliver nothing.

What shall we name this new political party?  Allow me to make a suggestion.  Let us name it for what it is....the America First Party!

Landers, Ca