Monday, April 29, 2013


King George is warning we regular folk that our isolationist tendencies will reduce our footprint between nations.  This dummy would ask, is that bad?  We are finished paying the price to be the world's policeman.  Let's have a real immigration policy, enforce the borders and take care of our own.

How did your footprint in Iraq and the Arab world work out for you King George?  Was the temptation to complete your daddy's justifiable police action in Kuwait irresistible?  Please don’t forget all those weapons of mass destruction that you pressured our intelligence service into sort of finding.  Who are the beneficiaries of our sacrifice in dollars, lives and limbs?  Can you name the winners?

We are all the losers because no good came from your leadership in the Arab world.  Do you now regret your decisions?   It would prove your manhood if you would admit your regrets.  We know this is highly unlikely, regret has no place in your palatial library.  How many military contractors financed that legacy?  Please enjoy your retirement Mr. President.

Landers, Ca