Thursday, January 13, 2011

An Open Letter

January 13, 2011

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for being there for we Americans in Tucson this Wednesday, January 12, 2011. This observer is not about to demean anyone’s heartfelt motives but please allow me to ask a question. Was the last four days about the actual victims of the Tucson tragedy or was it about our own agenda’s? This question is not a “trick or treat” question, it is not a veiled threat. This sincere question comes from “the old school”, for a few of us got in the way of that mad man's bullets this Saturday. As a group of Americans we have done our thing and are most concerned about the future of our families and our America.

As much as I speak for any of my countrymen and women, we have a duty to ask this question. The most powerful line from your excellent address at the memorial service was, “this we can not do”! This noble sentiment was repeated at least three times. The direction was so appropriate, at such a time as this, the circumstances should not build up the walls between us but bridge the differences and unite all of us as Americans. We must pull together to preserve the union. You are familiar, indeed, with this motive as expressed by your most admired other president, President Abraham Lincoln.

The Civil War story was a crisis in American history similar to our current crisis. The question then was fundamentally the same as now, was this America to be built on the divisions among us or a national identity that was inclusive as prescribed by the U.S. Constitution. Is the government a servant of all the people or an earthly organization of the few organized to empower the lives of the few. That negative modality is the way the rest of the world operates, we Americans do not, or at least should not. Our history is not pure at this point but your seat as the leader of all Americans speaks of progress.

From the vantage point of one who cares about our American destiny, the current crisis seems to be a like minded attempt by the few to warp our union toward their control. Our first instinct is to think the best of people but at this time it is difficult not to be a conspiracy theorist, events appear orchestrated, one wonders who is plucking the strings? The implication is not that there is a sinister Anti-Christ amongst us, causing all these tragedies over and over again. Mad men kill in Tucson, New York City, Oklahoma City, Texas, and hundreds of other cities throughout our history. Killing is nothing new.

We will always experience such tragedies but at present the potentially violent people in trouble are being increasingly ignored by our elected officials. Every city in America can list a string of violence and cruelty in their own communities. Yet mental health resources are continuously being phased out leaving the ill without a viable option. Even when the ill do not seek help most of our communities have the legal resources to question aberrant behavior. We don’t until it's to late. We should be a community that intervenes civilly to help our neighbors. Where are the neighbors, the parents, the police and friends to confront those of us who are in trouble and give them an alternative?

These days have thrust upon us the added mad man violence of terrorism. We all have learned that this is the indiscriminate killing of like human beings for political and religious agendas, an insanity even more insane than the routine madness. Since 9/11, fear confronts us in response to this threat. The fear is real and justified, the threat is real but what does our government do? Republican and Democrat alike play politics with our fears, seeking to manipulate the body politic toward a prescribed agenda. The stated agenda is war abroad and carefully crafted politically sensitive regulation at home. This old goat, however, smells a dead rat.

There is only one motive that is consistent across party lines and Presidencies. The primary motive is not to keep us safe but to spend. Spend and spend, the politicians must feed the hungry beast of the military industrial complex regardless of the fallout on the average American citizen. Business and corporate interests cross feed on the lazy money of Wall Street. Every Washington office holder seems to have been birthed in the financial sector, all the moneyed lobbyists at least influence our politicians of every flavor. The political faces change but the influence does not. As a result we live under a runaway government that is intent on our demise as the world’s hope for justice among men.

In view of this suspicion let me return to my original question. What was the last four days about? Some of us would confess to being less than impartial observers but from all appearances there was an orchestrated opportunistic attempt to access blame for the shooting in an attempt to influence the politics of the moment. Without a shred of evidence the liberal elitist attack dogs were given the “sic’em” command. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even to give priority to their mouths instead of their brains, but it appeared duly orchestrated.

Where were you for four days Mr. President? Were you relishing the blame game and all the name calling? Were you giving the commands so that you could ride into the fracas on a white steed and save the day? Or were you just following along with the playbook? Whose playbook may we ask? Did you allow the mourning process for these American heroes to become fodder in the guns of war for political supremacy? Must we politicize everything?

We expected an A-political Memorial Service intended to promote the grieving solidarity of this nation with the grieving victims of the Massacre on the Corner. Why did we get instead a political rally replete with liberal political agendas and the ambiance of a basketball game? I can not answer these questions for you Mr. President and you will not. However, many of us are intelligent enough to recognize the ploy and the diversion in the last for days and remain steadfast to our conviction that we are one America.

We aware Americans, will seek at the ballot box an equitable, for all, Constitutional government, in spite of every appearance of political manipulation. The Almighty dollar that is devastating the middle class will no longer be in charge of our government and our politicians. Unless, of course we as the citizenry of this great country deny our specialness, succumb to spending politics and become like the rest of the world. "This we can not do"!

Best wishes and kindest regards,
Victorville, California