Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hey Jerry ...

Are you a proponent of the advertised Democratic motto of representing the disadvantaged? This budget plan declares war on the little guy, the bottom 20% of the economic ladder in California. Are we as a mature society to make the least of us support the economic greed of the working advantaged? It is positively sinful.

These are desperate times for all Californians with the necessity for dramatic cuts to governmental services. Please, the public sector has to bear the cuts. The grossly overpaid working secure unions have to be confronted with their greed, not assisted in their felony by our politicians. You may pay a price by being a one term governor but do it for California.

Besides union cuts, the welfare system needs targeting for it is broken. Welfare should be taxpayer funded for the dangerously needy but this state has a system that reeks of a ballooned undeserving clientele. Fraud, illegal aliens, mismanagement and those who are milking the system combine to bleed the honest taxpayer. It is not fair as well as sinful. We do not understand how the thieves among us can sit in church under a cloud of self imposed self righteousness. The blind are following the blind.

Our concern is primarily resources for the disabled. On a visit to the doctor a young man in a wheel chair struck up a casual conversation with those of us in the waiting room. He is facing his limitation with great courage but we as taxpayers want to assist him not the selfish. To make this distinction is a difficult job but take this moment in your long career and be the change agent that will give California a future. The departing governor missed his opportunity for the change he promised. This is your hour. No halfway measure will work.

Who knows I could even vote for you next time.

Kindest Regards,
Victorville, California