Monday, January 17, 2011

The Dogs are Barking

This political observer has been slow to warm up to Sarah Palin. I have been assuming that such a lovely lady could not have political smarts. Possibly I am ready to make a mental adjustment. Sarah’s video response to her immediate vilification by the progressive left following the Massacre on the Corner in Tucson was just angry enough. The political pundits on the right who are slow to endorse her words for fear of a backlash are chicken. Her words were carefully crafted righteous indignation. The henchmen dogs ( ggoslaw), including former President Clinton, deserve to be spoken too in such a manner.

Her usage of the term ‘Blood Libel’ was and is cause for timidity. The term has a long history in religion and politics. At issue is the long documented history of hatred, slander and slaughter of the Jewish people, the innocent race held accountable for the sins of a few religious extremists two thousand years ago in Palestine. The Pharisaical sect of Judaism flowered at the time of Jesus (Jeremias, "Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus"). This short lived grand Jewish spiritual overreach of a hundred years was guilty of throwing Jesus to the brutality of the Romans, not all Jews forever.

Every human institutional religion to some degree changes with the times. Whether we are of the Christian, Muslim or of the Jewish persuasion, we have all had our periods and incidents of irrational extremism. To hold the many accountable for the few is evil. To some of us it is worse than the original transgression of the few. This has been done to the Jewish people and to Sarah Palin. The senseless sins of a lone gunman, whatever his motivation, are being used in an attempt to paint all anti-government rhetoric the color of Red.

Rabbi Botech helps us to understand this “Blood Libel” history in an enlightening article published in The Wall Street Journal, Friday, January 14. He may not agree with the above assessment of the circumstances in Palestine two thousand years ago, but we are in overwhelming agreement that Sarah Palin and the tea party are being smeared in like manner to the Jewish people. No assessment can be said any better than the Rabbi’s own words, so please allow me to quote them.

“To be sure, America should embrace civil discourse for its own sake, and no political faction should engage in demonizing rhetoric. But promoting this high principle by simultaneously violating it and engaging in a blood libel against innocent parties is both irresponsible and immoral.” p. A 13.

We live in an evil world and the sad truth is that evil is effective. The Clintonian politics of personal destruction may win a few elections but it is still evil, it will be judged for what it is, be it in this world or the next (The Gladiator). When will we human kind wise up?

Victorville, Ca.