Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fair Trade

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
Victorville, Ca. 92393

March 21, 2009

Globalization is fueled by the free trade idea which is unsustainable in our depressed economy. Jobs are the issue. It is politically and socially explosive to champion cheap labor or goods when so many American citizens are without even minimal employment. In spite of the liberal agenda it just won’t fly. Change will happen, planned or not.

This is a positive scenario. We are at last forced to talk honestly and openly about trade. Politicians can no longer distract us with “cutsey” conversation. Should the lingo of the anti-protectionist politico fuel our economic discourse? This question should be asked of the Orange County Register and Mr. Krauhthammer, who utilize free trade language in the Daily Press, Friday March 20. Is their concern for that of the whole economy, including the middle class, or primarily that of the invested class?

The insecurity of possible economic personal disaster makes every American frightened. Let’s talk about a fair and balanced trade agenda going forward within these recessionary times. We should not succumb to threats from our trading partners who are already making changes to protect their own people. Most of all, we should not be frightened into silence by those who wish to manipulate the people and the politics of Washington toward free trade.

The conversation should be about fair trade.

Victorville, Ca. 92395

Man Up America

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
Victorville, CA

December 17, 2008

Man up America! The hens have been in control long enough. Their self involved decision making has for the last thirty years been about “minding” the nest no matter the cost to others. The politicians have proved that you don’t have to be a female to be a “hen”! However, what is required now is male aggressive out of the box action. We all have a list but please let me contribute a few.

# 1. Seek a national involvement in the affairs of state. Let’s reject the lame excuse and apathy voiced in the complaint, “ but what can I do?” History is replete with examples of how one ordinary person was the man or woman of the hour. We all have to assume this potential critical service by raising our own awareness. Let’s get involved in politics locally, on the state level and nationally. The lazy expectation that someone else will do it and protect our interests means that we are naïve and a part of the problem. Man up America!

# 2. Let us seek an understanding of the past. How did our country arrive at this point? There are many voices that would like to convince us that looking back has no purpose. Are they afraid of the possibilities? There is ample evidence to spread the blame throughout the country. The truth is that as we understand the dynamics of the past, we have a chance to avoid repeated mistakes in the future. We have lavished ourselves in decades of greed and now must pay the price. Man up America!

# 3. Seek a realistic posture into the future. The time for denial is gone, we must accept the reality that our economic system has changed, ready or not. The desperate attempt to recoup the national fortune of the past will fail. Throwing the tax revenue of our grandkids at these ever escalating boom and bust cycles is extremely shortsighted and surely immoral. We have sold off our manufacturing base, the deception of free trade has made us a third world country. The divide between economic possibilities is expanding daily. Man up America!

# 4. Seek a redefinition of national greatness. Shall we as a nation pride ourselves in collecting the most stuff, graduating from the best schools, living in the best neighborhoods, and building a life long family legacy? None of these priorities are evil but they must be balanced with at least as much concern for the “other guy”. If we fail to respect one another by building a sense of shared fortune instead of hateful barriers, the near term will be increasingly ugly. Man up America!

This list is only a beginning, the times require that we stand up in many ways. Your participation is requested in the effort to unite and empower a better America.

Victorville, Ca. 92395
(This letter was not published)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Henhouse of the Church

April 7, 2009

Every human organization denies it’s mission by adding self centered mandates. These priorities increasingly rule out the greater good which was originally targeted. The result is an ever growing henhouse affect with it’s nest building priority. The church of Jesus Christ is subject to this reality.

His band of followers were asked to be disciples, representatives and teachers of the coming new kingdom. How would this mission be accomplished? Were they to build great buildings, create and argue dogma, organize great gatherings and raise money? Surely this new effort would have clear lines of authority and responsibility. These are the mandates of men, just ordinary men.

Jesus said, go but take nothing for your journey, neither a staff, nor a bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not even have two tunics apiece. (Luke 9:3) Was Jesus just in a hurry for their journey to begin? No, the representatives of God are to be totally vulnerable, defenseless, and unprepared proclaimers. Their faith vulnerability equation is fundamental to the new kingdom’s construction.

Jesus originated the mission of proclaimation because it was to bring lasting change. Who could believe that the death of a thirty three year old, ethnically obscure, uneducated, poor man in the outback of Palestine would make a world wide impression to last into three millennia? That fact boggles the mind of every aware, yet thinking modern man. Surely the conclusion that must be drawn is that our journey is not about an earthly legacy. Life is the opportunity to live toward the kingdom reality.

The church has long attempted to pass over this “weakness” of faith methodology. Within only a generation a spirit of arrogance brings additives to the mission that misdirect us to an earthly focus. This writer’s elemental reading of Church History reveals a two thousand year struggle at this point. Some would say even today the mission is more about regulation than proclaimation.

The most recent methodology is to go proclaiming hell. "If you were to die today, where would you go?" This is not the proclaimation that Jesus brought to earth. It smacks of a self glory that He would judge to be sinful.

The wonder of it all is that the proclaimation mission is still being voiced and is the fire in the belly of the church. Spirit’s of revival have regularly flared up amongst us, also for two thousand years, to revert the mission to being more about God’s agenda. He responds to faith and trust in His power not the power of men. Our human needs will be met as we channel His power to meet the needs of others. It’s simple but so difficult to live out. Are we kingdom proclaimers or doers of a religion?

The sad commentary is that every spirit of revival quickly reverts to orthodoxy. So it is, the dialogue between God and His humanity continues. Let us go,vulnerable as we are, to proclaim the invitation, the good news about citizenship in God's Kingdom. A Kingdom yet under construction.

Victorville, CA.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Letter to Editor
Religion Page
Daily Press
Victorville, Ca.

Letter in response to regular column of Dr. Kaplan. Column in qestion appeared in the February 14, 2009 issue of the Daily Press.

Contrary to the opinion of Dr. Kaplan, (Daily Press, February 14, 2009, p. B4) the Bible may not be that clear about the sin of homosexuality. His opinion as expressed gives lip service to a biblically balanced theology.

Some of us are familiar enough with the Word that we aren’t so sure God singles out this sin for any special condemnation amongst all of human frailties. The author deals in deception when he states, “ The Bible specifically calls homosexual behavior sin.” The question may be asked, where is the specificity? We can make the Bible say any number of contrary conclusions by piecing together just the right snippets as most pulpits are prone to do.

In totality the Bible does not single out this sin to a degree that pleases our homophobia. “ The sin ” is a very rare occurrence, not even being mentioned in the Ten Commandments. Biblical references are few and far between all the other stuff like faith, patience, hope and kindness. It must be comforting to sling arrows of condemnation at such a slow moving target ( only 10% of society) as homosexuality.

What about Sodom and Gomorrah? This ancient story from the life of Abraham seems to be the proof the author requires. Take the time to read the story, when God rained fire down on these towns it may have been for any number of reasons. Their inhabitants were living in a very selfish left ditch of excess, a violently selfish ditch. Is it “ the sin ” that upsets God or the selfishness of their society? Since the Ten Commandments have a great deal to say about selfishness, personally the condemnation belongs to a much greater degree in this area.

Let’s talk about God’s condemnation. It’s stark reality is raining down upon our good old American country. Our aberrant selfish economic and political systems are being condemned by God as we speak. Look around and you will see how He feels about the sin, “greed” ! The church shares in God’s condemnation for its emphasis on money, the corporate model of ministry and the prosperity gospel. Let’s all get out of the rain! Oh Lord, forgive us our trespasses.

The good news of the gospel is that with faith in His abiding presence,we can be lead out of the ditches of selfishness to a more balanced life. When Jesus appeared the religious hierarchy became very upset, attacking Him at every turn. Why? Because this ordinary looking man, this carpenter was in balance, to a degree that threatened their authority, it made them angry. The religionists lived out of balance in the right ditch of self righteousness. The only persons that Jesus ever rebuked were these religionists who ignored God’s Love priority.

Possibly that is why Jesus said, “ the way (road) is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.” ( Matt. 7:14 ) A biblically balanced lifestyle in this selfish world is exceedingly narrow and difficult. When the road runs along the ridgeline, there is danger to be avoided on the selfish right and the selfish left. Let us all take inventory, how is our balance?

(This letter has not been acknowledged by the paper or Dr. Kaplan)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Religion Page

Mr. Don Holland
The Daily Press
Victorville, Ca. 92393

May 19, 2009

Dear Sir:

Please forgive me if this letter is somehow inappropriate but as a faithful reader of your newspaper, I wish to share a long held concern. The concern is the Religion page. This page is the focus of my Saturday AM start and potentially that of all your readers.

The Religion page has gotten progressively more anemic and uninteresting over the years. The wasted potential is difficult for this reader to comprehend so I felt it necessary to at least express my dissatisfaction. Please allow me to make the following positive statements.

A newspaper Religion page should be inclusive. A single constituency directive is a turnoff for wider readership. Such a limited scope is what the church world knows as “preaching to the choir”. Should a newspaper focus upon peddling such feel goodies? No, Sunday AM is the appropriate time for such communication.

A newspaper Religion page should be about sharing. The possibilities for this sharing about God are incalculable. Even the opinion that we are alone in the galaxies is to be respected. What does religion have to say to the current culture? All input should be solicited and valued, then the readers can make their own conclusions.

A newspaper Religion page should present a mix of perspectives. The wisdom of the professional theologian with assigned status and educational degrees is only one perspective. Let’s also listen to the elderly, quiet little lady in the second pew who has weathered a multiplicity of life experiences. What wisdom have you, young lady, received from God on your journey? Both perspectives should be encouraged to speak.

Your newspaper must have “other” priorities that allows management to settle for a lesser Religion page. Possibly, this page’s weakness is industry wide. Probably, I am the only reader dissatisfied. Certainly, I am not qualified to judge your efforts at the business of publishing.

From this layman’s perspective, the purpose of this letter is to be positive and I apologize if this unsolicited feedback seems super critical. Thank you for the Daily Press’s pivotal role in my life and the life of all your readers.

Sincerely Yours,
Victorville, Ca. ( This letter has engendered no response)


Letter to the Editor
Daily Press

March 21, 2009

Globalization is fueled by the free trade idea which is unsustainable in our depressed economy. Jobs are the issue. It is politically and socially explosive to champion cheap labor or goods when so many American citizens are without even minimal employment. In spite of the liberal agenda, it just won’t fly. Change will happen, planned or not.

This is a positive scenario. We are at last forced to talk honestly and openly about trade. Politicians can no longer distract us with “cutsey” conversation. Or the lingo of the anti-protectionist politico that is fueled by who knows what? This question should be asked of the Orange County Register and Mr. Krauhthammer, who utilize this language in the Daily Press, Friday March 20. Is their concern for that of the whole economy, including the middle class, or primarily that of the invested class?

The insecurity of possible economic personal disaster makes every American frightened. Let’s talk about a fair and balanced trade agenda going forward within these recessionary circumstances. We should not succumb to threats from our trading partners who are already making changes to protect their own people. Most of all, we should not be frightened into silence by those who wish to manipulate the people and the politics of Washington.

G. Goslaw (submitted but not published)
Victorville, Ca.

P.S. Where are the politicians, Obama and Clinton, who felt the pain in Ohio and Pennsylvania? The silence speaks for itself.


January 18, 2009

Dear Grandson,

Thank you for the telephone call this evening, those little things mean so much to this grandpa. I was somewhat surprised that you didn’t know what the inauguration was all about on Tuesday. I wish that when I was your age my parents would have insisted that I become aware of what is happening in the outside world, outside the family . It never happened because my parents were satisfied to raise a child so sheltered. Growing up is so much more than just having fun, although fun is fun!

The age of twelve is a very important moment in each of our lives. In the Jewish religion and community this age marks the age of accountability, when a boy or girl begins learning how to make decisions. The Christian faith is very similar. The accountability part has to do with the results of these decisions, good or not so good. At twelve your parents will not turn you loose to do whatever you wish but they will slowly allow you to experiment with freedom. This privilege will be a learning process, a testing process that should not be exploited beyond your parents wishes, of course you know that to be true.

Barack O’Bama is the 44th president of these United States beginning at noon on Tuesday when he repeats the oath of office. The black experience in America has been a significant part of your grandpa’s life and for a black man to be my president is a happening beyond my dreams for fairness among the peoples of this country. Tuesday the 20th of January 2009 is going to be a big day, even if you don’t receive this letter until a few days after the celebration. Please store the memory so that it can be a big part of your life too.

Prejudice is a hateful attitude toward others that should be embarrassing to we humans but is so very common. Do you remember the movie we saw about the debaters? They were black and we experienced their pain through that movie. The black man’s journey toward freedom is a truly inspiring story. May I make a request?

Ask your parents to subscribe to your local newspaper. If you promise to read a few articles everyday from it’s pages, be it news, sports or comics, I will pay the bill. A deal like that surely will be accepted! This is one small way of becoming aware of the happenings in the city of Kingman, the state of Arizona and the country as a whole.

It could also be helpful as you discover the good decisions, those that will help you through the teen years toward full manhood.

Again, thank you for being one of my grandsons, of whom I am very proud.

G. Goslaw

Friday, June 19, 2009

Call to Conference

November 21, 2008

Psalms 139 : 13
For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mothers womb.

President-elect Barack Obama was asked about his decision toward choosing a puppy for his families upcoming abode. With self deprecating humor, Mr. Obama stated that his family would have to choose between a purebred puppy or one like himself, “a mutt”. This term is the modern slang substitute for another term “mongrel”, they both surprisingly are in the dictionary. Often these terms are used in a disparaging manner, mostly as an insult intended to damage one’s reputation.

Though these terms are largely out of current usage, being replaced by more supposedly insulting words, Mr. Obama effectively turned the table and diffused any such criticism. His own birth was in question, being the son of a white mother from the heart of America and a black immigrant from the African state of Nigeria. He was raised by a white grandmother who instilled in him that in America, regardless of one’s heritage, anything is possible.

The question of origin is so pivotal in each of our lives. This present and changing American culture is in the process of throwing off such stereotypes as “purebred”. The truth be told, we are all “mutts”, a mixed people from differing races, intellectual abilities, economic potential, societal skills, geographic origins, and spiritual priorities. So why is this question still so important to us?

In an attempt to at least begin to find an answer, consider these related questions, are we really alone in the universe? Do we exist in a vacuum, a blind plasmagenic experiment with no beginning and no end? The answer “yes” to these questions is why the proponents of traditional theology have been so understandably adamant about opposing any accommodation with the evidence of evolutionary scientific theory.

According to traditional theology, the proclamation that God is somehow in the mix of our origins is fundamental to our understanding of our existence. It is the ground floor of an ethic that is right for society and is far beyond any legal definitions. We peoples of the earth are showered with possibilities because of our full heritage, both in the physical and spiritual worlds.

There is a middle ground of understanding that could be positive for both the theologian and the scientist because neither one has all the answers. The writer of Psalm 139, expresses God’s involvement in a very personal and yet scientifically insightful manner, why can’t we listen to one another?

We are all mutts yet we are all of divine origin.

G. Goslaw
Victorville, CA. 92395

Public or Private

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press

February 6, 2009

In economic terms a balance should exist between unfettered capitalism and a big government methodology. The key word is “balance”. We have increasingly experimented with unfettered capitalism over the last twenty years. The economic disaster that has us by the throat is a direct result. By electing Barack Obama, the people spoke and rightly want our economic system to change .

In our efforts to put people to work, are we going to overcorrect toward big government as the employer of first resort? Are we going to abandon the strength of our economy, the historic dominance of the private sector over the public sector? This dominance seems to be threatened when the federal government only has to print, borrow or steal money.

Prior to this economic downturn the public sector was already making great progress toward supremacy. The seeming affluent economic atmosphere of the last six years stimulated massive, costly hiring in the public sector. Now the public sector is twice the size of the private sector and wages are twice as high even without benefits.

The private sector is impacted almost immediately in an economic downturn, as has been experienced. As people loose their homes and businesses the tax base is reduced. Now the public sector begins to awaken, the downturn is coming after my job. The massive spending of the stimulus package was largely a bailout boondoggle for this public sector. Yes, a few jobs may have been saved in the short term, but there was very little long term revenue stimulus directed toward the private sector.

Just for the purpose of definition this sector includes all governmental employees, federal, state, county and local municipalities. The educational establishment from kindergarten to graduate schools. The medical communities must be included. All these jobs are funded either directly or indirectly by our taxes and are a part of what this opinion calls the invested class, who have only suffered slightly in the market. This class makes decisions and votes according to the health of the stock market, their IRA’s, and pensions. The private sector is left to fend for itself.

Fend we shall but regardless of any stimulus package, we shall all be fending together very soon. California is a case in point. The tax base refuses to support the liberal excesses of our politicians who operate in an intellectual vacuum. There isn’t the money or the will to support big government, a big public sector and every illegal alien who strolls across our border. Yet this is what the politicians give us.

The rest of the country should take warning because as California goes “ so goes the nation”. The imbalance is critically visible and destructive to our country and freedom. It won't work.

G. Goslaw (Submitted but not Published)
Victorville, Ca. 92395

Monday, June 15, 2009

Butterfly or Gadfly

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press Victorville, Ca. 92393

Economic Forum: May 8, 2009

This political novice was able to attend the Economic Form hosted by the Victorville Chamber of Commerce. Present were congressman Buck McKeon, assemblyman Steve Knight, county supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt and representing Victorville, Mr.Mike Rothschild. These folks are all very impressive people and the time together was pleasant.

Please indulge me with a quick “first impression” of each politician.

Mr. Buck McKeon appears to be an old school politician who has gathered together over the years a sizable big government entourage. In the midst of this economic bust, the faithful were given yet another raise. Like so many Republicans who have talked fiscal sanity, their actions are quite short of their rhetoric.

Mr. Steve Knight appears to be a young hungry operator for the people as he serves in our state capital, Sacrmento. He alone got out of his chair to better connect with we listeners. He alone spoke to the issue of the budgetary election on May 19. Yet, he failed to take a clear position.

Mr. Brad Mitzelfelt appears to understand the intricacies of our county government despite a short tenure to date. The impact of the economic dive of the last year was well described, so too was the preferred status of down the hill priorities in county politics. His plans to combat these problems were less than encouraging.

Mr. Mike Rothschild appears to be one optimistic politician. While acknowledging just a few anomalies in Victorville government, his perception is that they are manageable. One could retort that the closing of George AFB is not to blame for the fiscal and management errors in city hall. The potential dollar downside to taxpayers is grotesque.

Ninety nine per cent of politicians are butterflies. Their priority is looking good, attractive and being blown by the winds of change as the voter pool may determine. Hardcore belief systems are very rare, belief systems that may cost a butterfly votes is an extreme exception.

To combat this superficiality, there is the gadfly. Webster’s definition includes a biting insect or a person “who annoys others or rouses them from complacency”. It is striking how God has put his world together,finding it good to include the butterfly and the gadfly.

There were no gadflies at the Economic Forum. America is in desperate need of a gadfly. There are, however, reasons to hope. Other desperate times in American history have bred gadflies who have played a critical role in communicating truth. We can expect our desperate time to breed such a gadfly.

Second, a part of the mission of every local paper, including the Daily Press, is to be a gadfly. From the reaction of the butterflies, the Daily Press is working to fulfill it’s mission.

G.Goslaw (Published in the Daily Press, May 28, 2009)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Murder She Wrote

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
P.O. Box 1389
Victorville, Ca. 92393

June 3, 2009

Thank you Daily Press for the reality cartoon of June 2, 2009. The most deadly and dangerous circumstance in the world, without question, is the womb of a female human being. Motherhood is conditional. Sex has no legitimate function except recreation without responsibility.

A female pro-abortion talking head on CNN compared the unborn to cancer. This is the most selfish lie on the books. The American female must not be depressed or inconvenienced in any way, or else, the babies must die!

To this reader, this legally codified murder is unjust to the extreme. Girl’s do not have the right or excuse to murder their children in the womb, just out of the womb, a day old infant, a two year old child, etc.,etc. Killing is killing regardless of the excuses.

This reader also believes that what goes around comes around. Girl’s, be depressed about that as you murder your babys.

G.Goslaw (This slightly revised submission was not published)
Victorville, Ca. 92395

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Short and Sweet

Submission to Daily Press

Victorville, Ca 92393

June 6, 2009

The subject of these few words is sex and the Bible. There is a scholarly theological avoidance of this topic because it is so inflammatory. The church employee who has invested a great deal of money in education is silent because to speak up honestly could hurt.

Avoiding clarity the church leader parrots the historical theologizing of acceptable church boundaries. This “church speak” has a life and a dogma all it’s own. The Bible is used to proof text this church speak. The trite, seemingly authoritative, reference to a biblical passage is the end of any need for discussion. The Bible says it, therefore I believe it.

This dissection of the scripture, however, is only the beginning work toward a biblical theology. The U.S. Marine Corp’s boot camp begins by tearing down the recruit, separating him from his civilian heritage. This is not a pleasant experience but necessary. The character building occurs as the dissected lives or biblical passages are pieced together forming ever increasing unity. This is the more difficult but rewarding task.

One of the common errors of biblical interpretation is to assume in advance a general conclusion from one or a few dissected biblical passages. To clarify, let’s explore as a case in point, Romans chapter one. This is the classic homophobic passage of the New Testament. The church speak uses this passage to campaign against the same sex agenda in all formats. One questions whether St. Paul gave us these words for such a narrow purpose? This lover of scripture believes not.

Without God, we are all fools, seeking to deny God and become a God like authority in our own person. The desire to replace the Creator with the creature is the broad definition of sin and results in the “depraved mind” of verse 28. Sex is only one of the fruits of this futile speculation (v. 21). Homosexual sex is only about 10% of the sex based speculations.

Good sex is a part of the divine birthright of every human being. Out of balance sex, however, is one of many potential spiritually destructive behaviors. This passage names them all, greed, malice, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, gossip, slander, boastfulness, disobedience to parents, sex, arrogance, uncaring of others, unmerciful, etc. etc. The one who seeks a faith relationship with God, should endeavor to move beyond these spiritually destructive behaviors.

The question that is so often avoided is whether all homosexual sex is a spiritually destructive behavior to be condemned? Could not two persons of the same sex experience a long term mutually satisfying relationship that is not offensive to God? There is no clear answer to this question in scripture, certainly not in this passage.

The only solution is to give the individuals involved the freedom to explore the answer within a relationship with their God and the church. The church says no! The church reaps irrelevance for no good reason.

G.Goslaw (Submitted to Religion page forum without response)

Filthy Lucre

November 25, 2008

Hebrews 13:5

Let your way of life be free from the love of money,being content with what you have;for He Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU”.

Hindsight is always easy. The first decade of this century will go down in history as the decade of greed and excess. The Bill Clinton administration set the stage when all Washington politicians started to whore out our political system. Renting out the White House was only the beginning.

The " johns" are the large corporate and business interests, the Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street,and the influence rendered by foreign interests. Globalization and its philosophy of “free trade” is our God. The new age unregulated systems seemed to be working,the country had rebounded from a recessionary start in the early 90’s. President Clinton actually paid down the national debt one year in his second term.

President George Bush proved his complicity and cooperation, lowering the prime interest rate to “0” in 2003. Large tax benefits and cuts were given to both the business interests and to wealthy Americans. His incompetent administration invited these interests to Washington to design and write any new legislation that was to affect their industries. Legal immigration and border security were rejected because the owners of the federal government wanted to control wages and this one world economy had no need for borders. Productivity and profitability were rising. Letting the wealthy interests manipulate the nation and its economy seemed to have proved to be successful.

We unfortunately are experiencing the bust that has to follow the boom. The downside is of a magnitude that very few anticipated. However, there were warning voices but our arrogance was in control. The irresponsibility of long term politicians, Republicans and Democrats, has been exposed so they are spending trillions of dollars in a desperate attempt to stop the carnage. These bank robbers are selling off in the short term all succeeding generations, a third world status and an inflationary spiral is sure to follow. How can this occur in the United States of America?

The country is in shock, we have been sold a bill of goods and the anger and anxiety levels are exploding. We are starting to pay the price for a culture that has succumbed to the “love of money”. This negative life priority is all pervasive among us, Washington is only the lead example, each of us must examine ourselves. What have we exchanged in our lives for the quick buck? Is the narcissistic drive and glorification of success merely a cover for our desire to hoard money?

The writer of Hebrews is speaking to the newly formed believers in what the Father had accomplished in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The money life priority among the faithful should be different. We begin by being "content" with
what we have, working hard but valuing to a greater degree the spiritual unseen realities of life. The greatest reality is that there is a God, a personal God who cares and will accompany all who call on Him through whatever circumstances come their way, boom or bust!

Jesus didn’t die to bring a boom. The mere fact that the writer of Hebrews found it necessary to remind his people of this life priority says that the church needed greater focus on this loyal God. Even without the theological foundation as stated,
"contentment” should be the state of mind and heart that would be a positive in any culture.

We can assume that in this case, if it’s good for the church, it’s also good for the country.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Henhouse of Public Education

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press

March 23, 2009 (Published this Day minus henhouse reference)

As a long time Victorville California resident and taxpayer, this reader would like to express an opinion about public education. My familiarity extends to the practical experience of sending two children through this once great educational system.

The Daily Press has in recent days run an excellent and informative series of articles on the educational morass that we parents must navigate. As a faithful reader I am grateful for the clarifications expressed and hope that we all get the picture.

Regardless of the caring protestations of our elected officials and educators, their focus is not on the receivers of these public sector services but first upon money. Then the secondary priority becomes that of intellectual control over our children and what they learn. Because of these two public sector priorities, the possibility of parent directed change in education are practically nil, even though we pay the freight. After all, all of our children are both a revenue stream and wards of the state, are they not?

In true self interest style, the competition must be stifled by the public sector even before any form of voucher system is given credence. All this centralization might be acceptable if it produced the desired result, a young adult stimulated to begin a life long expanding awareness of his or her place in the universe. And, in addition, the possible positive shared experience that life offers to each of us. Our educators have touted less lofty goals that are easier to measure but have superficial value. Comparative numbers are easier to understandand more easily justify the bottom line.

Even by their own measuring system, California places last among all the states in educational success. That embarrassing data makes the public sector’s intransigence impossible to defend.
The funding equalizer, the voucher system, is absolutely essential to any hope of educational progress in California. Our system is failing most of the children, particularly those in less affluent districts. However, the public sector guru’s will not voluntarily allow competition for the above stated reasons. ( Henish reasons )

Rise up California taxpayers, demand change, but don’t get your hopes up.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pay Cuts

April 29, 2009

Mr. Jim Miller
Riverside Press Enterprise
P.O. Box 792
Riverside, Ca. 92502

Dear sir:

Thank you for listening to my bluster today. Being a native Californian and resident for most of my life, my perspective, at least in my own mind, is to ask what is best for our future. I’m listening to President Obama contend that his goal isn’t big government but that the hardship of these times give him no choice.

As you know President Reagan rightly saw government to be the problem, not the recessionary economy. Only smaller government will prove economically viable going forward. As we discussed, the dwindling tax base will force more taxes upon those who remain loyal, most will move away. The result can only be a downward spiral. The times demand big change not big government.

So what shall we do? Vote no on all the propositions. Wake up California, let us reject further denial and deceitful advertising. The government is not the employer of first resort in any growing economy. Cut the size of the public sector. Cut back on the extravagant benefit and pension plans. Cancel the failure liability for the state if employee pension and retirement funds go bust. Life in California is not without risk, let’s accept the risks and reject the entitlement mentality of the public sector.

Government can pump up the private sector if we make the effort. The editorial in the Daily Press by Mr. Getty was correct with it’s touch of libertarian moxie. Each suggested action could make a positive impact on the private sector. Some are rather extreme but the times demand these kind of actions. As a small business person, an investment tax credit kept me in business on two occasions. Where are our politicians? The priority seems to be, let the government do the hiring.

What was most shocking in the article was the disparity of incomes between the two sectors. The public sector makes twice as much! In another Daily Press article it was noted that a senior teacher in Apple Valley makes over 80,000 dollars for nine months work. The tax base can not sustain the inequity. A Victor Valley School District Superintendent wants a million dollars. These salaries are insane when the struggling private sector is mandated to pay the retail price.

Our discussion turned to the question, could there be any other untried alternative. Why not require an across the board pay cut of 10% for the entire public sector? Why not include healthcare professioals, educational professionals, correctional professionals, city, county and state workers? Most importantly, all the various politicians would volunteer for the axe. What a wonderful world that would be!

This would be an opportunity to set California on the path of being great once more. Could the pipedream happen? It is not likely, but what would be the fiscal impact upon the budget with such a plan? Mr. Miller, with your resources, would such a cut balance the budget? Is it in the neighborhood of $14 billion dollars?

I must confess to being slightly curious. What is the total payroll of California’s public sector? If you find out or are even able to make a guess, please call so I can relax just a bit. Thank you again for listening.

Sincerely yours,
G.Goslaw (There has been no reply)

Look and Listen

November 20, 2008

Amos 7 : 14 and 15

14. Then Amos answered and said to Amaziah, “I am not a prophet, nor am I the Son of a prophet; for I am a herdsman and a grower of sycamore figs.”
15. “ But the Lord took me from following the flock and the Lord said to me, go prophesy to my people Israel.”

Until Jesus returns in the clouds, the Gospel of Jesus Christ will always be counter culture. No culture, society or government will ever amount to anything close to what the Lord considers righteous. Yet revival and reform keep occurring among us when the unrighteousness of this world and of its inhumanity is confessed. Of late, at least the last 500 years, the Bible has played a significant role in this reformation process, through its truth the proper access to God is set before the people and our co-operation expected.

The other way God touches every culture is through the fire of men or women called out to speak for Him. Amos was such a man through whom God confronted his culture. The culture of Israel was eerily similar to 21st century America. Success was their God, they took the current blessings for granted and assumed they had somehow earned them. Wrongly they licensed themselves to be a “taking” culture. Business takes, unions take, ministers take, politicians take, wall street (small w) takes, government workers take, teachers take, corporate executives take, and the list goes on and on. Self interest is the rule of the day.

To these excesses, Amos relayed God’s message, return to me and my ways. This message included a warning that if change, reform or revival did not happen, their circumstances would change. Today we have all of biblical and modern history, to document how consistently God required that His people treat each other with what is called the golden rule. This is not Sunday school stuff, it is the meat of the Gospel which is extremely difficult to live out, most of us don’t even bother trying.

A prophet can either be a sanctioned station within a culture or a direct empowerment from God. Hopefully every person operating in the prophetic sphere has more of the later, sadly this is rare. However, almost every time great changes need to be made, God sets apart a specific man to convey his message of change. Amos sets these two mandates in contrast in verses 14 and 15, denying his sanctioned status, almost relishing in that reality, and extolling his calling to “go prophesy to my people Israel.” Are we listening?

G. Goslaw

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Microcosm or Macrocosm

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
P.O. Box 1389
Victorville, Ca. 92393

April 23, 2009

A request for facts from our city politicians

Microcosm or macrocosm, the two or the many are strikingly similar. Let’s forget the dictionary and just use examples in the macrocosm of politics. There are national politicians in their own little world, state politicians in theirs, county politicians and those city political studs. Where are the good guys?

The Victorville guy’s are whining because their hometown newspaper wants facts. Sob! Sob! Get a life Mr. Rothschild and Mr. Caldwell, your elected service to the city is always open to a potentially embarrassing question. Whether or not you choose to answer is your decision but lately the facts have been in retirement.

Who do you think you are? You need not answer but let’s judge by your actions. Secret meetings, county ethical inquiry’s, overdue financial reports, loose financial controls, a rubber stamp city council, million dollar schemes which have a downside only to the taxpayer, a plummeting credit rating, a trip to China for a financial rescue, bailouts to business on main street, selling green cards, law suite's and blaming the Daily Press for doing it’s job.

We the taxpayers fear this is but the tip of the iceberg. Please give us the facts not spin. Your responses to date qualify as a cover up. Cover ups seem to be in vogue, microcosm or macrocosm.


Veteran Surgery Question

Dr. Dean Norman
Chief of Staff
Veterans Administration Medical Center
11301 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA. 90073

Dear Sir:

It is with undivided loyalty to this country that this veteran is placing this matter at your door. You have my apology for doing so, but I must explore every avenue available to me. This matter has been communicated to Dr.’s Gonzales and Steiner a number of times (3), and Dr. Frazee has ignored my requests to speak with him. Therefore, the next step in the chain of command is to share both my gratitude for the services of the neurosurgery department, along with the medical issue at hand.

The medical issue centers upon the care I received in the ICU, following successful surgery to resection a posterior fossa meningioma. Prior to surgery I was informed that if everything went well, a two or three day stay in the ICU would be expected by all concerned. The craniotomy was performed on May 15 and I was the guest on the third floor until the 28th being discharged to home the next day. Understandably this was a miserable experience, due to my helplessness at receiving morphine and who knows what other drugs for the 14 day stay in the ICU.

The question I must have answered is what didn’t go well? My doctors are unable to field this question in an understandable way, referring primarily to pain avoidance and the hallucinations that resulted from the drugs. Well, if the drugs are the problem…….STOP the drugs! So why was I drugged for two weeks?Prior to surgery I had “O” pain, despite my other symptoms. Possibly the morphine prevented pain post surgery, this explanation makes no sense to this veteran.

In an attempt to get these questions answered, I procured my medical records on June 17, 2008. At the sug-gestion of Dr. Gonzalez, I wrote and gave to the patient advocate office a letter detailing one of my “recko-lections”, was this a reality or an hallucination? I shall remain in the reality mode until someone has the courtesy to discuss why my “recollection” could not have been reality.

Instead, despite all my efforts, what I have experienced is a “Grand Silence”. I will not be bullied and slinkaway ! I shall continue to be the fly in the ointment, at least until it becomes obvious to all that we all put our pants on in the same manner. Please, I request your assistance in ending these negative vibrations. As they say, the ball is now in your court.

Respectfully yours,
(There has been no response to this letter)
Mr. Glen L. Goslaw

The Tea Leaves

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
Victorville, Ca. 92393

May 4, 2009

The Tea Leaves

Our President finds it necessary to minimize the intentions of the Tea Party crowd. They are portrayed as a radicalized fringe movement that is a step away from being terrorist. The veteran label has gotten thrown into the mix. Guns owned by the good guys is, in government circles, a threat to order and stability. Visible protest is only acceptable if the signs are politically correct. Where is this leading?

It doesn’t take an Einstein to answer that question. The new world order is being dumped upon us. Big government includes our government’s international ambitions. Secretly the first bailout package under President Bush went to prop up the world economy. Murder and mayhem is to be continued in Iraq and Afghanistan. National pride is out of fashion. An apologetic and submissive posture in diplomacy is the politically correct motif required for progress toward world unification.

Mr. President, we are reading the tea leaves. Your supposed hero President Lincoln is turning over in his grave because his sacrifice is being betrayed. He loved the union of the United States of America! Your leadership as well as that of George Bush, abrogates the special significance of America. Patriots value freedom and fairness. Neither is a remote possibility amongst the governments of the world.

The WWII, the baby boomer, and all subsequent generations have increasingly succumbed to the love of money. The love of spending money is the back side of the same coin. Spending is the overriding concern of the Tea Party crowd, the inevitable rising taxes are a mere byproduct. Ballooning interest rates are sure to follow within months. Runaway inflation will follow closely behind.

Our freedom will be further in hoc to the deep pockets of the world, our children’s future is dismal. We shall soon be just another Banana Republic governed by the few. It is time to stop blaming George Bush when your spending agenda is a whopping increase of 8% in GDP. (The Daily Press, April 16, 2009, Tea Parties)

This increase of almost 50% is unprecedented and it is all yours. Your intent may be for this level of spending to be temporary but this is an extreme gamble. Our greed ridden politics has never been successful in cutting costs. The tea leaves say that this level of spending is doomsday for all time.

Preident Barack Obama, you won the election and therefore set the agenda. The democratic majority in Congress will make your agenda the law of the land. We former Republicans who dared to vote our hopes by voting Democratic, did not vote for this change. We voted against the failure of Republican liberalism. You appear to be peddling only an even more liberal flavor. What will be your legacy?

Please, Mr. President, read the tea leaves for yourself!

Victorville, Ca. 92395

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

II Corinthians 12:10

Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

The lives of all humankind encompass “the whole ball of wax”. One of my favorite Clint Eastwood movies is, THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY. The plot is very simple but the title is facinating. One of the distortions within the church is to believe that a good God only blesses us with the good times, at least we desire or possibly even expect the good life. The Apostle Paul could not share in these sentiments because daily he was dealing with the good, the bad and the ugly struggles of life, the weak things.

Paul was instrumental in the birth of the mission to the gentile world following the death and resurrection of Jesus. Thrust into this difficult circumstance by a God who surely should have tagged someone more qualified, Paul believed that all of life, the varied events of life, are somehow meshed together by the presence of the Christ. God somehow works his will by stirring the pot with a variety of circumstances,including, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

On a personal level, he seemed to be “well content” with his weakness. Grumbling is the normal reaction of each of us in the face of such circumstances as Paul notes. Isn’t this the normal pathos of every dying culture know to man? We grumble as we fight the unbeatable foe.

Paul, accepting the reality of his weaknesses, was able to move on because they were burdens shared by the Christ. Jesus was accepting of all the hate, ridicule, torture and eventual death without grumbling. Somehow his weaknesses fit in the plan. It is a cowardly expectation that assumes because Jesus suffered such indignities, we are free to live in comfort.

This was not the conclusion reached by St. Paul. Through his sufferings a strength for life was given to him by the Christ. Paul was boasting in the midst of his weaknesses. Risen Lord, please give us this kind of courage!
