Friday, June 12, 2009

Murder She Wrote

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
P.O. Box 1389
Victorville, Ca. 92393

June 3, 2009

Thank you Daily Press for the reality cartoon of June 2, 2009. The most deadly and dangerous circumstance in the world, without question, is the womb of a female human being. Motherhood is conditional. Sex has no legitimate function except recreation without responsibility.

A female pro-abortion talking head on CNN compared the unborn to cancer. This is the most selfish lie on the books. The American female must not be depressed or inconvenienced in any way, or else, the babies must die!

To this reader, this legally codified murder is unjust to the extreme. Girl’s do not have the right or excuse to murder their children in the womb, just out of the womb, a day old infant, a two year old child, etc.,etc. Killing is killing regardless of the excuses.

This reader also believes that what goes around comes around. Girl’s, be depressed about that as you murder your babys.

G.Goslaw (This slightly revised submission was not published)
Victorville, Ca. 92395