Saturday, June 6, 2009

Filthy Lucre

November 25, 2008

Hebrews 13:5

Let your way of life be free from the love of money,being content with what you have;for He Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU”.

Hindsight is always easy. The first decade of this century will go down in history as the decade of greed and excess. The Bill Clinton administration set the stage when all Washington politicians started to whore out our political system. Renting out the White House was only the beginning.

The " johns" are the large corporate and business interests, the Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street,and the influence rendered by foreign interests. Globalization and its philosophy of “free trade” is our God. The new age unregulated systems seemed to be working,the country had rebounded from a recessionary start in the early 90’s. President Clinton actually paid down the national debt one year in his second term.

President George Bush proved his complicity and cooperation, lowering the prime interest rate to “0” in 2003. Large tax benefits and cuts were given to both the business interests and to wealthy Americans. His incompetent administration invited these interests to Washington to design and write any new legislation that was to affect their industries. Legal immigration and border security were rejected because the owners of the federal government wanted to control wages and this one world economy had no need for borders. Productivity and profitability were rising. Letting the wealthy interests manipulate the nation and its economy seemed to have proved to be successful.

We unfortunately are experiencing the bust that has to follow the boom. The downside is of a magnitude that very few anticipated. However, there were warning voices but our arrogance was in control. The irresponsibility of long term politicians, Republicans and Democrats, has been exposed so they are spending trillions of dollars in a desperate attempt to stop the carnage. These bank robbers are selling off in the short term all succeeding generations, a third world status and an inflationary spiral is sure to follow. How can this occur in the United States of America?

The country is in shock, we have been sold a bill of goods and the anger and anxiety levels are exploding. We are starting to pay the price for a culture that has succumbed to the “love of money”. This negative life priority is all pervasive among us, Washington is only the lead example, each of us must examine ourselves. What have we exchanged in our lives for the quick buck? Is the narcissistic drive and glorification of success merely a cover for our desire to hoard money?

The writer of Hebrews is speaking to the newly formed believers in what the Father had accomplished in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The money life priority among the faithful should be different. We begin by being "content" with
what we have, working hard but valuing to a greater degree the spiritual unseen realities of life. The greatest reality is that there is a God, a personal God who cares and will accompany all who call on Him through whatever circumstances come their way, boom or bust!

Jesus didn’t die to bring a boom. The mere fact that the writer of Hebrews found it necessary to remind his people of this life priority says that the church needed greater focus on this loyal God. Even without the theological foundation as stated,
"contentment” should be the state of mind and heart that would be a positive in any culture.

We can assume that in this case, if it’s good for the church, it’s also good for the country.
