Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fair Trade

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
Victorville, Ca. 92393

March 21, 2009

Globalization is fueled by the free trade idea which is unsustainable in our depressed economy. Jobs are the issue. It is politically and socially explosive to champion cheap labor or goods when so many American citizens are without even minimal employment. In spite of the liberal agenda it just won’t fly. Change will happen, planned or not.

This is a positive scenario. We are at last forced to talk honestly and openly about trade. Politicians can no longer distract us with “cutsey” conversation. Should the lingo of the anti-protectionist politico fuel our economic discourse? This question should be asked of the Orange County Register and Mr. Krauhthammer, who utilize free trade language in the Daily Press, Friday March 20. Is their concern for that of the whole economy, including the middle class, or primarily that of the invested class?

The insecurity of possible economic personal disaster makes every American frightened. Let’s talk about a fair and balanced trade agenda going forward within these recessionary times. We should not succumb to threats from our trading partners who are already making changes to protect their own people. Most of all, we should not be frightened into silence by those who wish to manipulate the people and the politics of Washington toward free trade.

The conversation should be about fair trade.

Victorville, Ca. 92395