Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hypocrisy and Vouchers

Letter to the Editor
Daily PressP.O. Box 1389
Victorville, Ca. 92393

May 24, 2009 ( A revision of May 7, 2009 letter )

An Amen to Editorial Opinion by the Wall Street journal this day, “ Hypocrisy and Vouchers” (Daily Press, May 7, 2009 )

The above timely commentary by the Wall Street Journal should be pondered by all Americans. This writer would like to add a twist. Our President Obama is being hypocritical. His girls are being sent to a posh private school to maximize their potential and safety. This is a natural consequence of the Obama’s station in life and a reasonable decision. However, children just down the street are being brutalized by the Obama administration’s opposition to a successful voucher program in the Washington D. C. schools.

These children are trapped in the failure of an inner city system where educational failure is the norm. For these children, the voucher program is their only hope. No longer can President Obama purport tobe governing on behalf of the disadvantaged, the politically impotent. Public education is a politically sensitive culture that uses the educational dollar to enhance it’s own security.

The voucher dollar is a threat. Participants in this nest building bubble rain all hell upon every voucher system. Their target is the national slaughter of the competition. The teacher’s unions arguement against voucher’s is laughable. The unions cite difficulties in assessing success, curriculum control, a lack of professionalism and lax regulation. These are merely camouflage to conceal their only real motive, the almighty dollar. Forget the welfare of the children, forget parental sovereignty, forget educational priorities, the state run educational system wants the money. As a result, all voucher systems must die!

The politicians, including president Obama, ignore this injustice because the unions have paid their dues for political advantage and it is time for the government to pay up. It is so obvious and as simple as counting to three. Let’s rewrite the constitution to read government by the unions, for the unions, long live the unions. This traitorous linkage sounds the soon approaching death of vouchers and our freedoms.

Yes, President Obama is a hypocrite but no less so than the teacher’s of America who sit in church on Sunday. They insult the scriptures as they seek personal satisfaction instead of sacrifice. Judging from their union priorities, the welfare of their brothers and sisters is of no real concern. This hypocrisy within the church has risen to the level of preaching a lie. Personal security at the expense of others is not the priority of biblically based God centered living.

The church is called to be the salt of the earth, salt that dissolves in the cause of justice for all, even the children of Washington D. C. The church should advance the priorities of Jesus Christ, all American families should have the option of salty choices as they seek to educate their children. Hypocrites one and all, in the White House or in the church pew, should seek repentance and offer a prayer for Godly change.

Victorville, Ca. 92395