Wednesday, May 27, 2009

If I were president . . .

May 27, 2009

This is the ultimate what if. Pardon my delusions of grandeur, the method of my madness is to make a point. Surely there must be a best possible way to navigate the politics of 2009. The goal is a healthyAmerica that stands up for the ideals of our founding fathers and brings the possibility of a shared good life to all the people. Dream along with me and contemplate the road ahead.

The plan is:

1. Bring our soldiers home … we no longer desire to be the world’s cop. We can’t afford it, stand up for America, let’s spend the money on Americans. Osma Bin Laden is winning the economic war.

2. Move from free trade insanity to a fair trade partnership focus. A partnership is about balance, cheap products are not the catchall. Trade must also work for the people. Let’s reward business to do their thing here at home.

3. Enforce and extol the necessity of citizens first, medical care for Americans based on citizenship, jobs for Americans based on citizenship. Education should be based on citizenship. The immediate deportation of all illegal immigrant violent criminals. Borders are patriotic and should be enforced by the military.

4. Jump start the private sector economy in true capitalistic fashion. This private sector tax base, provides the monetary resources for the public sector. We will downsize the public sector, respecting the private sector as the employer of first resort. We will return to the truly capitalistic economy that once existed. Deregulation has proven to be more dangerous than all other threats.

5. From my bully pulpit, a true publicly financed campaign reform bill would be passed and implemented, returning Washington to the people. In addition, I would refuse to fund all government without line item veto power given to the president. All legislation’s content must be made visible and time given for debate.

6. From my bully pulpit, meaningful term limit reform would be made law. Politics should be a part time, short term calling to public service. Career national politicians would be outlawed because power corrupts and getting elected corrupts. Enough with business as usual.

Retro America! This plan should keep me busy for the first few weeks.Our criticism of Mr. O Bama’s plans are not met with bipartisan respect on the Democratic side. The retort is always, where is your plan? Well Mr. President, this is a plan that will work because it has worked in the life of our country for generations. There will be pain in the short term but if we switch to this plan, our children’s children will respect us. Dream on America!
