Friday, May 29, 2009

Fear is Good

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
P. O. Box 1389
Victorville, Ca. 92393

April 2, 2009

Letter in response to Janet Turner, March 25, Letter to Editor

Fear is Good. Until we as a country wake up to the reality of the one world government in formation, the self centered blinders remain fixed. Out there doesn’t matter, the important stuff happens only in the few square miles around my house, so we think. As home prices fall it is becoming increasingly clear that “out there globalization” is transforming the world’s economies and our own.

Let’s define globalization as the exploitation of cheap labor for the benefit of the few invested, elitist, economic traitor’s to our country.As we watch the street’s of London it becomes clear that the betrayal reaches beyond our borders. Good jobs are disappearing daily. This new world economic government will soon rule over only the rich and the poor, with no middle class. Fear is Good.

The politically involved self employed persons are the enablers of this new government. The opportunity to exploit the acceptable boundaries of greed by pandering to these elitist interests is seemingly irresistible. Their creativity in this game is to be respected. It is baffling to consider why we elect them, unless they are good enough scammers to bring home the bacon to our few square miles of territory. Most of us prefer the blinders. Fear is avoidable.

Some weeks ago, Mr. Hank Paulson was interviewed. The former Treasury Secretary working for President Bush is also a former Wall Street CEO guru. While claiming to work on behalf of the American people, he made the following statement. “ You don’t regret what you could not have stopped. ” This is an obvious mental gymnastic to avoid responsibility but where were the follow up questions?

Mr. Paulson, did you even try? Did you convey your concern for the impending crisis to your president? From your insider vantage point, did you speak up and sound a warning? With the assistance of the interviewer, the silence is deafening and defining. Then the big question, were you strategically positioned to bailout the global interests if the crisis was to happen on your watch? Yes or no, Mr. Paulson? Fear is Good!

G. Goslaw (Letter published in Daily Press)