Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Some of us find the Jesus God in the Old Testament. This is wrong headed; it is a mental assumption added to scripture in order to enhance a long held Trinitarian Christian Doctrine. Case in point, some folk identify the Jesus God in the burning bush, on the mountaintop, that gave Moses a message to go to Egypt and free his people.  Who spoke to Moses from the burning bush that was not consumed?  Was the “angel of the Lord (God)” of Exodus 3: 2, the Jesus God?

Maybe we can so assume, or maybe not. Maybe, he was just an angel, being the long arm of God into our world, that much is huge.  Chapter 3 of Exodus identifies the angel of God as the God 19 times.  Maybe it is enough to leave it there.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.