Sunday, June 16, 2024

Gospel of God

The Gospel (Good News) of God from the life of Abram on through the Old Testament seems to point or expect Jesus as a further visible picture of the heart of God. However, to equate the messianic Jesus as sharing a being with God is at least questionable.  Can anyone show us why this leap is necessary?

There are those of us who say, what difference does it make whether it is the Gospel of God or the Gospel of Jesus?  At least some would say the difference is huge. Jesus Christ as a co-equal with God gives greater breathing room for those who demand the Cosmic Disciplinarian God, which is a cloak and dagger dualism; God will get you and/or Jesus will save you.  

In the light of the total speaking of scripture, beginning with the message to Abram, is this understanding of God really necessary?                             

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca