Sunday, March 5, 2023


This President Trump voter and supporter will never vote for any other Republican to be president, period!  These are extraordinary times in the history of our now failing country, no half-hearted political alternative will win the day and preserve our country as a democracy.  The old-style American politics is no longer viable because the radical left is not using the good old-boy playbook, they will not moderate their intentions, they have their eye on the ball, absolute control over all the people.  It is their way or blood in the water.

The radical left, all of the national democrat leadership and the stupid democrat voters who have not woken up, have left the people no choice but to fight fire with fire.  America owes Donald Trump an apology.  Republican unity with President Trump at the front of the red wave, is our only hope to extend the greatness of our democracy.  Disunity and disloyalty in the ranks at this critical hour will not be forgiven and amount to nothing less than national treason!

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca