Monday, September 12, 2022


The following quote is shared by Professor William Barclay, probably the most quoted bible scholar within the American evangelical community of Protestantism.  His work was wrongly pointed to by others as giving the "heaven and hell" theology biblical credentials.  Shortly before his death in his "Spiritual Autobiography", he says the following.   

“But in one thing I would go beyond strict orthodoxy-I am a convinced universalist.  I believe that in the end all men will be gathered into the love of God.”  p. 58

One might ask, why does the Professor wait to the hour of his death to clarify such a heart felt opinion?  Was the delay because his reasons for this break with orthodoxy are best addressed in a philosophical argument?  Could it be that the Bible does not demand an eternal punishment theology?  Could it be that to say so would complicate the heaven and hell preaching of Billy Graham?  Such an outing would have affected book sales, would it not?  

Being popular does not make it right, in fact, popularity is a red flag.  Jesus said something similar.  


Landers, CA