Saturday, September 3, 2022

At Issue

 There truly is a battle brewing for the soul of America.  Who are we to be as Americans?  We all shall decide in the next few years our own destiny.  We shall decide whether our country shall go on into the future as a Constitutional Republic with the welfare of all the people the priority or a new autocratic tyranny ruled by the elites and bureaucrats who have their own top-down priorities.  The issue is who shall rule the day?   

This is serious business folks; this was the choice that our forefathers had to make when they revolted from the top-down tyranny of the ruling class in the colonies prior to the American Revolution.  The British empowered the American ruling class only because they were good little boys and girls.  When the fireworks started, they tried to come to the rescue of the ruling class of the colonies but the real threat was always from our own. Over two centuries ago, the people decided they wanted independence, with all the risk that involved, rather than to be taken care of by their own self-appointed overlords.

Just maybe, we should look into the mirror, why do we vote as we do?


Landers, CA