Friday, October 8, 2021


 My apologies are extended to President Donald Trump.  Please forgive me for not sending you money in response to your many email requests.  I am a loyal supporter of your leadership and the MAGA code but deftly disappointed in the American voter who supposedly voted the other way in 2020.  These voters asked to be led by politicians who trade what is good for the average American citizen for short term dollars, their system is fundamentally corrupt from top to bottom. There are those whom I never believe and lie repeatedly without remorse and then there are those who lie just some of the time.  Their coyness is obvious to anyone really listening. There’s the rub, most Americans are not really listening or thinking, 79,000,000 are only signing on to a group think because they have been dupped or manipulated.   

Nothing can change for the better until a large sloth of American voters start listening, thinking for themselves and questioning the motives of all those who consider themselves fit to lead.  This will not happen solely by sending money to the Donald Trump political action fund.  There may be a time for that but it will not happen until the voters of America are hit over the head hard enough to wake up.  We are being assaulted every day for over eight months by a tyrannical big government groupthink that destroys rather than builds.  Only the mislead voters can say when enough, is enough? 

I have little confidence that these lesser American voters, even as they are being bludgeoned to death, will ever admit that they were wrong or dupped! 

G. Goslaw
