Thursday, September 2, 2021

Despicable Joe

 By hook or by crook, you democratic voters got what you wanted, President Joe Biden.  How is Joe working out for you after only six months?  You were either duped or you wanted open borders and the doubling of inflation.  With the soon to be added democratic spending agenda, inflation will trash all of us, democrat or republican, unless, of course, you are a rich democratic politician.  All of these policies are intended to make America poor and dependent upon the government dole. 

Then there is foreign policy, as expected by all free-thinking adults, Joe has willfully trashed the exit from Afghanistan, leaving American citizens behind to be hostages, thousands of Afghans who served the prior government and as many Christian believers.  Our generals even gave the Taliban a kill list of names and addresses of these folks.  What fate do you suppose awaits them dogged by the Taliban bullies?  The question we all must ask ourselves, who are we as Americans?  In Joe’s world, under Joe's morality system, out of sight is out of mind.

Despicable Joe and despicable you!


Landers, CA