Saturday, August 21, 2021

Traitor in Chief


Barack Obama Jr., the 44th president of the United States of America is now our presidential puppeteer in chief. He pulls Joe Biden’s strings and will soon throw him under the bus.  Joe deserves much worse.  As the puppeteer in chief, Barack is the biggest traitor in disguise that our country has ever produced.  His loyalties are not to America, his first loyalty is to the memory of his deceased Muslim father, Barack O’bama Sr.

Barack has a love hate sickness for his black ancestry.  What other reason could there be for the traitorous debacle in Afghanistan, this was not incompetence, just willful blindness on orders from Barack, to give a victory to Islam and embarrass the white guy in the White House.  Afghanistan is intentional pay back to this country, the country that welcomed him and his family to a leadership role in the greatest democratic republic in human history. 

Oh, Barack, you naughty boy!


Landers, CA