Monday, July 1, 2019

Pander mania

We killed Jesus.  We insisted on nailing him to a cross.  We being you and I as participants in the prevailing political socio-economic determinants of every age (power over others, territory, money).  We as individual human beings can make a choice to live free of these determinants but this possible choice is hidden from us in the fog of our own making, the fog of sectarian tribalism.  Jesus refused to be a participant in these determinants as we so readily do, therefore, we destroyed him and continue to kill each other.

Two thousand years later we have made such minuscule progress toward participating in the Kingdom of God, the kingdom that Jesus believed to be our future inheritance.  Will the God of the galaxies lose his cool and make the Kingdom happen by divine decree?  Does the Job like patience of God soon end in an apocalypse?  I believe not for our God, yours and mine, is waiting still for we humans to bring his Kingdom to earth.
Shall we stop our pandering to our smallness?  Can we? Will we?

Landers, Ca