Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Where is the fairness?

There you go again, High Desert Star.  You are at least consistent, another bigoted anti-Semitic cartoon by Mike  Luckovich appears in the February 14, 2015 edition of your paper.  His and your latest humorless and dishonest attempt to trash the Jewish national struggle for survival is reprehensible.  The High Desert Star echoes the major media outlets by  promoting racist messaging while playing hiding games behind your disclaimers of neutrality.  You do not practice fair play because you fail to present an intelligent pro Israel, pro Jewish message to your readers.  You and your cohorts keep dishing out the trash and then claim not to understand why you are not trusted by middle America.  Could not your deceiving ways be the primary reason your circulation is in the pits?

In this present hour, when the radical forces of Islam are once again spreading their “religious wisdom” around the world by the sword, why do you only have space to trash Israel and it’s leader?  You and your cohorts are cowards, ignoring the insanity of the killing, shooting, burning and beheading of innocents all around the world and all in the name of Allah.  I ask you, who are the bad guys?  How can you manage your life and your paper while being silent and therefore complicit with such cruelty?  High Desert Star, surprise me by having the guts to print all of this opinion.

Landers, Ca