Sunday, February 22, 2015

We Wait

In this changing world it is past time for a new American strategy.  All political quarters are calling for such change but they all fall short on detail.  President Obama and the liberal progressive Democratic left have been hiding their change agenda as they have dumped it on the rest of us over the past six years.  Their unspoken contention is that the American people don’t know what is good for them so a few lies every other day will soften the consequences of their leftist agenda and keep the people confused.  Meanwhile, these left driven consequences have added to the trauma of the changing global politic, combining to create global instability and confusion.  Throw in radical Islamic terrorism and the old norms are no more.  The few folk who are paying attention know that this current century is unfolding as one of the most uncertain and dangerous times in human history.

As we enter the time of presidential campaigning for 2016, the politicians of every strip only have the energy to attack and demean each other because no one has a practical plan to navigate America into this century.  Someone please lead us, tell us how, do not even try to just say, trust me, for we the people, the majority of Americans, have no trust left, we have heard all the lies and our interests have been abandoned time after time.  Abandoned in favor of the self interest of big business, the Wall Street types and the political governmental elites who rule over us and our country.  If the national stagnation forced upon us by our politics remains the same and then is projected into the future, there will be no upward social or economic mobility for the masses, we will be forced to merely pay and enable the lollygagging of the elites.  There will be no unique middle class American revelation for it will be wiped forever from the face of he earth.            

Is there someone out there to lead us, where are you, who are you?  Most importantly, what is your prescription for America?  We wait.

Landers, Ca