Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Simple Fix

Here we go again!  The knowledgeable conservative voter has no real choice in another Presidential election.  Please forgive me as I mention the last thirty two years of the historical record.  In the presidential race of 1988 and 1992, George H. W. Bush was the Republican establishment choice, in 1996 Senator Robert Dole was the chosen one, in 2000 and 2004 George W. Bush was elected by the narrowest of margins and in 2008 the inept Senator John Mc Cain lead the Republican party to a resounding defeat, giving us President Barack Obama.  In the upcoming presidential election of 2012, Mitt Romney has won the job of confronting Barack Obama in his reelection bid.  The last quasi conservative presidential candidate or President was Ronald Reagan, who won election in 1980 and 1984.

The unifying character of all these Republicans, except Reagan, is that each one is an establishment moderate Republican politician, meaning that they are timid political adolescents who will inevitably  decide “to go with the flow”.  George W. Bush raised taxes despite a no new tax pledge.  He thought he could appease the liberal Democratic call for higher taxes to support bigger government.  The Democrats responded to his courage by refusing to cut spending as promised.  Senator Dole was a good man and a war hero but he had no real message, persona or governing experience to ignite the electorate.  As a result, William Jefferson Clinton was elected our forty second President.  President Clinton began by governing as a typical big government Democrat but his sexual scandal in the White House forced him to embrace some conservative policies in order to survive politically.  Surprisingly, for the first and only time since President Reagan, smaller government programs with the resulting lower cost and lower taxes produced good economic times for working, tax paying Americans.

George W. Bush was elected or crowned by the Supreme Court as President 43.  To King George’s credit, he never claimed to be conservative thinking, just another moderate establishment Republican, advancing bigger government programs in education, the supposed war on terror and feeding the insatiable dollar appetite of our war economy.  In addition, the insane expansion of housing programs for those folk who cannot afford to buy a house was pushed by Democratic liberal mentalities in Congress.  The Republicans offered little resistance as they were busy warmongering.  They stood by passively or even assisted when Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were allowed to insanely expand.  Home ownership had become the unreal expectation of every American.

These good times were short lived, as we all know, the resulting economic pain from the bursting economic bubble threatened and profoundly impacted every American.  Well, it was painful for almost every American.  Our bumbling politicians bailed out the Wall Street banks who were largely responsible for the housing collapse.  Our bumbling politicians poured billions of taxpayer money into major industries, particularly union companies.  Our bumbling politicians enacted a “one trillion dollar” stimulus bill that was supposedly to ensure a speedy economic recovery.  Instead, most of the money was used to expand the governmental public sector and ensure for them a pain free recession.  The federal workforce was increased, little wonder that real estate prices in Washington D.C. went up when the rest of the country was losing equity.  Then our bumbling politicians sent a majority of the money to the states to fund the public sector, teachers, police, firefighters and emergency workers.  And of course, our bumbling politicians in every context were shielded from economic pain.

The private sector has been abandoned by our bumbling politicians to shoulder most of the economic pain.  The job creators of our economy were left to fend for themselves straddling ever increasing governmental regulation.  Is there any doubt as to why the unemployment numbers have remained so high?  Is there any doubt why so many Americans have given up hope for a job?  Is there any doubt why so many have elected to go on Social Security early?  Is there any doubt why the welfare and food stamp rolls have ballooned, in some cases doubling?  Is there any doubt why our college graduates have dismal prospects for employment in their field of study?  Is there any doubt why our high school kids can’t find a part time job?  Is there any doubt why our young adults are choosing to live with their parents into their thirties?  President O’Bama talks about economic fairness when his recovery policies are the exact antithesis of fairness.  Such rhetoric is so unjustified as to be simply a lie.  In cowardly fashion, those working in the government, the public sector and the unions support the lie.

Again, I apologize for this historical recitation but doesn’t the history make we voting taxpaying Americans wonder why we have been so stupid?  We support politicians who fail us and then they take no responsibility by dodging to blame the politicians of the other political party.  They are con artists and we keep playing their gamers.  Possibly it is time for the voting public to stop tolerating the political games and insist upon authentic conservative leadership.  We have yet to try that simple fix.  That kind of president will lead us toward smaller government, true tax reform, a balanced budget and a working America.  Why would we want to  accept anything less?

Landers, Ca.