Friday, June 29, 2012


Thank you, John Roberts, chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.  Yesterday’s deciding opinion on the Obama healthcare plan was an absolute stroke of genius, regardless of your intent. No longer is the presidential election of 2012 about the competency of the respective candidates, it is now about defining America. Who are we as a country? What will our founding principles be going forward?

Are we to be a big government institution with politicians picking winners and losers? If that is your preferred governmental model, clearly vote for Obama and the Democratic ticket. If you don’t like the idea of politicians getting into your junk, vote and then insist on a country that treasures the American uniqueness, the personal freedom of each individual.

Does that mean a vote for a moderate Republican candidate and a Republican party that is as self-involved as are the Democrats? Yes, that is the only hope for the peoples politics. Should Romney and the Republicans win, the peoples politic remains a long way off but if we the people stay engaged, the peoples America will happen. If Obama wins reelection and another four years, the big government model will be cemented into the nations fabric for as long as we remain a country.

My hope is that I am overstating the consequence of this election. The election is, however, a clear choice between two Americas. The American way to make such a momentous choice is to take a vote of all the people, a pivotal vote in 2012, what do we the people want?

Landers, Ca.